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Budget Transfer from Central Contingencies to Economy, Non-Ministerial support and Modernisation

A formal published “Ministerial Decision” is required as a record of the decision of a Minister (or an Assistant Minister where they have delegated authority) as they exercise their responsibilities and powers.

Ministers are elected by the States Assembly and have legal responsibilities and powers as “corporation sole” under the States of Jersey Law 2005 by virtue of their office and in their areas of responsibility, including entering into agreements, and under any legislation conferring on them powers.

An accurate record of “Ministerial Decisions” is vital to effective governance, including:

  • demonstrating that good governance, and clear lines of accountability and authority, are in place around decisions-making – including the reasons and basis on which a decision is made, and the action required to implement a decision

  • providing a record of decisions and actions that will be available for examination by States Members, and Panels and Committees of the States Assembly; the public, organisations, and the media; and as a historical record and point of reference for the conduct of public affairs

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A decision made on 21 December 2018

Decision Reference:  MD-TR-2018-0151

Decision Summary Title:

Allocations from Contingency to various departments – Economy, Non-Ministerial support and Modernisation

Date of Decision Summary:

20th December 2018

Decision Summary Author:

Head of Decision Support

Decision Summary:

Public or Exempt?


Type of Report:

Oral or Written?


Person Giving

Oral Report:


Written Report


Allocations from Contingency to various departments – Economy, Non-Ministerial support and Modernisation

Date of Written Report:

20th December 2018

Written Report Author:

Head of Decision Support

Written Report :

Public or Exempt?



The allocation of up to £1,880,000 in 2018 and up to £2,205,000 in 2019 from Central Contingencies to various departments as detailed in the attached report.


The Minister approved the allocation of up to £1,880,000 in 2018 and up to £2,205,000 in 2019 from Central Contingencies to various departments as detailed in the attached report.

Reason(s) for Decision:  

Article 17(2) of the Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2005 states that the Minister for Treasury and Resources is authorised to approve the transfer from contingency expenditure or the insurance fund of amounts not exceeding, in total, the amount available for contingency expenditure in a financial year. 


The current Contingency Allocation Policy (published as R.112/2018) sets the requirement for all allocations from contingency over £50,000 to be considered by the Investment Appraisal Board, Principal Accountable Officer and States Treasurer prior to submission to the Minister for approval. The Board has recommended these requests for approval. The requests have also been recommended for approval by the Principal Accountable Officer and States Treasurer.

Resource Implications:

The revenue heads of expenditure of various departments as detailed in the attached report to increase by a total of up to £1,880,000 in 2018 and up to £2,205,000 in 2019 and Central Contingencies to decrease by the same amount.


Any unspent amounts from 2018 will be available to be drawn down in 2019 for the purposes for which the funding was allocated. This decision does not change the total amount of expenditure approved by the States in the Medium Term Financial Plan 2016 to 2019.

Action required: The Head of Decision Support to advise the Finance Directors of the receiving departments that this decision is approved.



Deputy Susie Pinel

Minister for Treasury and Resources      

Date Signed:

Date of Decision:

Budget Transfer from Central Contingencies to Economy, Non-Ministeral support and Modernisation

States Treasury and Exchequer

Ministerial Decision Report





Allocations from Contingency to various departments – Economy, Non-Ministerial support and Modernisation



  1. Purpose of Report


To enable the Minister to approve the allocation of up to £1,880,000 in 2018 and up to £2,205,000 in 2019 from Central Contingencies to various departments as detailed below.  



  1. Background


In August 2018, all States departments were asked to submit requests for funding for the remainder of 2018 and 2019. The Investment Appraisal Board (IAB) has been established to review all funding requests and support the development of best practice in project development and evaluation, enabling better prioritisation and value for money across the States. This is an important step in the development of a new investment framework across the States underpinned by leading best practice. 


All funding requests require a business case which has been designed using principles of HM Treasury’s Five Case Model to ensure that a proportional and risk-focused approach can be applied across the States. A single business case template now replaces several funding application routes that previously existed across the States, providing a simpler, more efficient and more transparent approach.


The IAB is not a decision-making body.  It considers evidence to support a funding request and makes a recommendation for funding to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and States Treasurer before the Minister for Treasury and Resources makes a funding decision and approval.


Business as usual activities continue and there is a requirement to ensure that urgent matters can be escalated for funding as required.  All funding requests have been subject to a review to identify high priority cases that could be considered by the IAB as part of its first phase of meetings.  Following the review of high priority cases, the IAB recommended eight projects for funding to the CEO and the States Treasurer. 


Based upon the evaluation of business cases and responses to further questions, the IAB recommends funding of £1.88 million in 2018 and £2.2 million in 2019 (£4.08 million for 2018 and 2019).  The table below summarises the funding recommendations from the IAB on a project-by-project basis. Funding will be made available from Unallocated Reserves (Contingency). These are, in part, dependent on forecast underspends in departments which are considered to be robust. All individual elements of Contingency have been pooled in order to make these allocations.


Funding is available for these decisions based on the assumption that 2018 departmental underspends and unallocated contingencies are transferred into general contingencies.






  1. Recommendation


The Minister is recommended to approve the allocation of up to £1,880,000 in 2018 and up to £2,205,000 in 2019 from Central Contingencies to various departments as detailed above.


  1. Reasons for Decision


Article 17(2) of the Public Finances (Jersey) Law 2005 states that the Minister for Treasury and Resources is authorised to approve the transfer from contingency expenditure or the insurance fund of amounts not exceeding, in total, the amount available for contingency expenditure in a financial year.


The current Contingency Allocation Policy (published as R.112/2018) sets the requirement for all allocations from contingency over £50,000 to be considered by the Investment Appraisal Board, Principal Accountable Officer and States Treasurer prior to submission to the Minister for approval. The Board has recommended these requests for approval. The requests have also been recommended for approval by the Principal Accountable Officer and States Treasurer.


5. Resource Implications


The revenue heads of expenditure of various departments as detailed above to increase by a total of up to £1,880,000 in 2018 and up to £2,205,000 in 2019 and Central Contingencies to decrease by the same amount.


Any unspent amounts from 2018 will be available to be drawn down in 2019 for the purposes for which the funding was allocated.


This decision does not change the total amount of expenditure approved by the States in the Medium Term Financial Plan 2016 to 2019.


Report author : Head of Decision Support

Document date : 20th December 2018

Quality Assurance / Review: Director of Financial Planning and Performance

File name and path: L:\Treasury\Sections\Corporate Finance\Ministerial Decisions\DS, WR and SD\2018-0151 - Allocations from Contingency December 2018 - Economy and Non-Mins

MD sponsor : Treasurer of the States




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