Background Policy H3 (14) of the former 2002 Local Plan noted that this was a site for consideration of category A housing. However, it was subsequently noted that on the current Adopted Island Plan, 2011 that the site had been designated as Green Zone (Policy NE7). Comments from the Policy Team in June 2011 (P/2011/0441) confirmed that: “As part of the recent Island Plan Review, Policy H3 and H4 sites were assessed using the Island Plan spatial strategy. The majority of sites, including this one, failed to meet the sequential test of the strategy and the Minister subsequently instructed their removal from what was at the time the draft Island Plan, 2011”, now adopted. Therefore, the site’s consideration as an independent housing plot was found to be unsuitable in this location. Further, the adopted Island Plan, 2011 has been through a rigorous public consultation and the Planning Inspectors have considered many similar small rural parcels of land for development, however, all have been rejected in favour of maintaining the strong presumption against development in the countryside. NE7 - Green Zone - The Policy states the area will be given a high level of protection and there will be a general presumption against all forms of new development for whatever purpose. Proposals for new developments which must occur outside the Built-up Area will only be permitted in the Green Zone where it is demonstrated that there are no suitable alternative sites and, wherever possible, new buildings should be sited next to existing ones or within an existing group of buildings. (The issues relevant to this assessment are considered in the later section of this Report). Policy GD 1 - General development considerations -Development proposals will not be permitted unless the following criteria are met such that the proposed development; 1. contributes towards a more sustainable form and pattern of development in the Island in accord with the Island Plan strategic Policy SP 1 'Spatial strategy'; Policy SP 2 'Efficient use of resources'; and Policy SP 3 'Sequential approach to development'; and in particular it; a. will not replace a building that is capable of being repaired or refurbished ( 'Demolition and replacement of buildings'); b. where possible makes efficient use of construction and demolition materials to avoid generation of waste and to ensure the efficient use of resources (Policy WM 1 'Waste minimisation and new development'); c. encourages energy efficiency through building design, materials, layout and orientation (Policy SP 2 'Efficient use of resources'); d. is adequately serviced and includes the provision of satisfactory mains drainage (Policy LWM 2 'Foul sewerage facilities') and other service infrastructure. e. improves facilities for the storage and collection of refuse, including recyclables (in accord with WM5). (The issues relevant to this assessment are considered in the later section of this Report). Policy SP 2 - Efficient use of resources - Development should make the most efficient and effective use of land, energy, water resources and buildings to help deliver a more sustainable form and pattern of sustainable development and to respond to climate change. In particular; 2 Island Plan Strategic Policy Framework 1. the proposed provision of new development, its spatial distribution, location and design should be designed to limit carbon emissions; 2. new development should be planned to make good use of opportunities for decentralised and renewable or low carbon energy; 3. new development should be planned to minimise future vulnerability in a changing climate; 4. new development should secure the highest viable resource efficiency, in terms of the re-use of existing land and buildings; the density of development; the conservation of water resources and energy efficiency. (The issues relevant to this assessment are considered in the later section of this Report). Policy SP 7 - Better by design - All development must be of high design quality that maintains and enhances the character and appearance of the area of Jersey in which it is located. The various components of development, including: - layout and form;
- elevational treatment and appearance
- density and mix
- scale: height and massing
- external elements, and landscaping; and
- architectural detail and materials
- will be assessed to ensure that the development proposed makes a positive
- contribution to the following urban design objectives:
- local character and sense of place
- continuity and enclosure
- quality of the public realm
- ease of movement and permeability
- legibility
- adaptability
- diversity
- safety by design
Applications must, where appropriate, be accompanied by a Design Statement to demonstrate and explain how the principles of good design have been incorporated into the development proposal. (The issues relevant to this assessment are considered in the later section of this Report). |