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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Concessionary Bus Travel: Introduction of a Companion Pass

A formal published “Ministerial Decision” is required as a record of the decision of a Minister (or an Assistant Minister where they have delegated authority) as they exercise their responsibilities and powers.

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An accurate record of “Ministerial Decisions” is vital to effective governance, including:

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  • providing a record of decisions and actions that will be available for examination by States Members, and Panels and Committees of the States Assembly; the public, organisations, and the media; and as a historical record and point of reference for the conduct of public affairs

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A decision made on 3 September 2021

Decision Reference:  MD-T-2021-0053

Decision Summary Title:

Concessionary bus travel: Introduction of a Companion Pass.

Date of Decision Summary:

20 August 2021

Decision Summary Author:

Public Transport Planner

Decision Summary:

Public or Exempt?



Type of Report:

Oral or Written?


Person Giving

Oral Report:


Written Report


Concessionary bus travel: Introduction of a Companion Pass.

Date of Written Report:

20 August 2021

Written Report Author:

Public Transport Planner


Written Report :

Public or Exempt?


Subject: Concessionary bus travel: Introduction of a Companion Pass.

Decision(s):  The Minister approved the introduction of a Companion Pass scheme and agreed it should be implemented as per the timescales set out in the written report.


Reason(s) for Decision: To implement a Companion Pass scheme as identified within the Government of Jersey’s Sustainable Transport Policy – Strong Start Delivery Plan 2020.


Resource Implications: Based on pre-Covid annual journeys, it is estimated that the scheme will cost an additional £30,000. This can be funded through the existing IHE base budget for bus travel.


Action required: Officers to continue to work with LibertyBus to implement the scheme in line with the agreed timescales.






Minister for Infrastructure

Date Signed:



Date of Decision (If different from Date Signed):



Concessionary Bus Travel: Introduction of a Companion Pass






Purpose of the Report


This sets out the main elements of the proposed Companion Pass scheme, along with timescales and estimated costs, and seeks the approval of the Minister for Infrastructure to proceed with its implementation.





The existing ‘AvanchiAccess’ card scheme to provide free bus travel for those with a disability that prevented driving was launched early in 2017 as a pilot scheme, which was subsequently made permanent (MD-T-2019-0050 refers).


As of the end of July 2021 there are 691 ‘AvanchiAccess’ card holders and in 2019 (pre-Covid) approximately 95,000 journeys were made using this card.


However, companion travel was not offered as part of the pass and the parameters of the scheme therefore need to be adjusted to accommodate this requirement.


In June 2021, the Minister received a briefing on the main elements of the proposed scheme and agreed that work should continue to develop proposals.


IHE Officers have since worked closely with LibertyBus to agree the scheme and establish arrangements for its operation.



Reasons for the scheme


The Sustainable Transport Policy - Strong Start Delivery Plan 2020, identified as an action the need to ‘extend the Avanchi card scheme to provide free bus travel for a carer to accompany those that are unable to drive due to a disability and require assistance in making journeys’.


A companion is regarded as someone who ‘provides significant assistance throughout the journey, including help in boarding, moving around, and getting off a vehicle’.


Summary of the proposed scheme


The Companion Pass scheme is aimed at anyone who cannot travel alone on the bus and requires a companion to accompany them on journeys some or all of the time.


The Companion Pass will be a new card (Called AvanchiAccess+), which will be identified through separate colour scheme/markings (see below) and will allow anyone travelling with the passholder to travel free of charge. The pass holder may also travel alone.





Those who need help to travel on buses can apply to have a Companion Pass, however they must qualify for the AvanchiAccess disabled pass to be eligible.


It is proposed that the boundaries of the existing AvanchiAccess scheme be extended beyond the cardholder becoming 65 for those with a disability who would retain the AvanchiAccess card instead. This will help drivers to recognise that the cardholder has a disability.


It is therefore proposed that those with a Senior Citizens pass with a disability and unable to travel alone can convert this to an AvanchiAccess+ Companion Pass, through making an application.


As part of the application process, confirmation will be required from an authorised signatory (doctor, medical specialist, care worker etc.) to prove the need for a companion on the bus either some or all of the time.


How it works

  • Companions can only travel free of charge when travelling with the bus pass holder.
  • The bus pass holder can travel with any companion.
  • Only one companion may travel free on any one journey, and both the cardholder and companion must get on and leave the bus at the same points.


Proposed Eligibility

An AvanchiAccess+ Companion Pass can be issued if the applicant:

  • is eligible for an AvanchiAccess disabled pass.
  • cannot travel alone on the bus without help from a companion some or all of the time.
  • cannot walk to a bus stop and get on or off a bus without help.


Evidence required

As part of the application process, an authorised signatory will need to confirm that the applicant is not able to travel alone on the bus some or all of the time.


As with the existing scheme, authorised signatories will comprise medical professionals and senior roles within relevant voluntary/charitable organisations.


Application and Renewal Fee

It is proposed that the current £15 application fee will be withdrawn at the launch of the new AvanchiAccess+ Companion Pass and the card will be free. Instead, it is proposed the IHE Department pays LibertyBus £5 per card issued.


There will be no fee for renewal of the card.


If the pass is lost or damaged, a £5 replacement fee will be maintained, payable by the pass holder.


Financial Implications

The additional costs to IHE of the proposed scheme will be incurred due to reimbursement to LibertyBus for:

  • New cardholders at £1.50 per journey.
  • The additional companion journeys at £1.50 per journey.
  • Those who transfer from an older persons pass an additional £0.40 per journey, due to the difference in reimbursement rate.
  • A cost of £5 for all applications.


Research into UK local authorities tends to suggest that providing a companion pass facility for disabled persons increases total expenditure by around 3%. Based on the last normal year (2019), it is estimated that the scheme will cost an additional £30,000.


This can be funded through the existing IHE base budget for bus travel.



The following timescales are envisaged:

  • Awareness amongst community organisations and circulation of scheme documentation                                                                        up to 13th September
  • First application made from  13th September 2021
  • Media release issued  13th September 2021
  • Scheme goes live  1st October 2021



It is proposed that a media release is issued shortly before the scheme goes live and this will be followed by a social media campaign to raise awareness.





The Minister for Infrastructure is requested to approve the introduction of a Companion Pass scheme and agree it should be implemented in the timescales identified above.



Reason(s) for Decision


To implement a Companion Pass scheme as identified within the Government of Jersey’s Sustainable Transport Policy - Strong Start Delivery Plan 2020.



Action Required


Officers to continue to work with LibertyBus to implement the scheme in line with the timescales above.




Written by:  Public Transport Planner

Approved by:  Head of Transport, Highways and Infrastructure






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