​​Problematic substance use and dependence can have a serious impact on your day to day life and future. We can support you to reduce your substance use, and make healthier lifestyle choices. It is possible to live a life where substance use does not impact on your quality of life.​
Young Persons Substance Misuse Support Team​
If you're under 25 and your ​substance use is leading to health or social problems, including dependency, the Young Persons Substance Misuse Support Team​ offer free confidential advice and support. We can help you reduce your use, or stop completely.​
You must make an appointment to access the service. You can do this yourself by emailing A&DService@health.gov.je or calling +44 (0) 1534 445000.
Your GP or other healthcare professional can also make a referral for you.
​What to expect
Self referral
You'll receive an initial screening call where we:
- give you brief advice and information about the service
- establish the extent of your alcohol or substance use
- give you the opportunity to discuss any difficulties you're experiencing
- allocate a key worker who has the training and experience to support you with your particular needs
- signpost you to other services where appropriate
If you decide to enter treatment, you'll receive an appointment within 20 working days of your initial screening call.
GP or health professional referral
You'll receive an appointment within 20 working days of receipt of your referral and we'll contact you to schedule an initial assessment.
Your first 2 appointments are assessment sessions. Each session lasts around 50 minutes. We'll take the time to understand more about your situation and give advice on how we can help you.
We'll work with you in setting your own goals and support you on your journey to achieving them.
Clinic locations
We hold appointments at:
- Alcohol and Drug Service, Maison Le Pape
- St. James Street Youth Service
- Salvation Army Café meeting rooms
We can also hold appointments by phone or video call, where appropriate.
Disabled access
All our locations have disabled access and toilet facilities.
The types of treatment we offer
We understand that substance use is often linked to emotional difficulty. We will support and help you to live with, and manage emotional difficulties. The majority of our support is offered on a one-to-one basis and includes:
- substance use harm reduction
- extended substance use education
- emotional health education
- cognitive behavioural informed therapeutic interventions
- Person Centred Counselling
- acceptance and commitment informed therapeutic interventions
- motivational interviewing
- mindfulness and meditation
- supportive group work with other young people
- nurse support and medication where indicated
- relapse prevention psychoeducation, one-to-one or in a group setting​
Alcohol detoxification
Prolonged and heavy daily use of alcohol, can lead to alcohol dependence. If you are alcohol dependent, you must get advice from a healthcare professional before reducing your intake. You may experience withdrawal symptoms when you stop. Stopping drinking suddenly can be dangerous or life threatening.
If you experience withdrawal symptoms, you may need supervised alcohol detoxification. This can happen at home or elsewhere, depending on your needs. It involves daily medication for 5 to 10 days. We'll visit you daily for supervision and support.
Drinkaware has lots of useful information and advice about alcohol withdrawal symptoms.
GP health checks
If you are getting help for alcohol use, it's a good idea to get a health check at your GP.
Residential rehab
You may need more intensive and structured support to stay abstinent. Silkworth Lodge offers a 12 step residential recovery programme. We can make a referral for you. There is more information on the Silkworth Charity Group website.
Silkworth Charity Group
Other support
If you're worried about your substance use, there is plenty of other help and support available:
- Drinkaware offers a variety of tools to help you reduce your drinking
- you can talk to your GP
- Alcoholics Anonymous hold meetings where you can share your experiences and get mutual support. Call +44 (0) 1534 726681
- Narcotics Anonymous Jersey hold support meetings for people using substances other than alcohol. Call +44 (0) 7700 325155
- the Silkworth Charity Group provide help and support for you, and your family, if you're struggling with substance use
Support if you're affected by another person's substance misuse​
If you're worried about a friend or family member, the Young Person​s Substance Misuse Support Team ​can offer you advice and information.
ADFAM provide information to help you cope with your loved one’s drug or alcohol use, as well as links to other sources of support and advice.​
Al-Anon Jersey​ run family groups to support you if you're affected by another person's drinking. They hold local and online support meetings or you can call ​+44 (0) 1534 870924.
The Silkworth Charity Group have a support service for families. The charity also runs a regular family support group.