Routine breast screening is for individuals who do not have symptoms. If you are currently experiencing any changes in your breasts that you are concerned about, see your GP as soon as possible.
Breast screening clinics
If your routine screening is now due, overdue or you have recently registered, and you are waiting for an appointment you will be on a waiting list. Appointments are being booked in priority order and you will be notified in writing as soon as an appointment is available.
If you have any urgent concerns or notice any worrying changes in your breasts that require medical attention, don’t wait until your screening appointment to raise those concerns, it is important to speak to your GP straightaway.
Find out more about being breast aware go to our
symptoms of breast cancer and reducing your risk page .
If you have any queries about breast screening contact us on +44 (0) 1534 443790 or
email the breast screening service .
W ho breast screening is offered to
If you're aged between 50 and 69, you can register for breast screening online by completing the
breast screening online registration form .
Routine breast screening is for individuals who do not have symptoms. If you are currently experiencing any changes in your breasts that you are concerned about, see your GP as soon as possible.
You have to register for breast screening as you won't automatically be invited for screening when you reach 50.
Once you've registered, you’ll then be invited for screening every 2 years.
Women aged 50 to 69
Routinely offered every 2 years.
Women aged 70 to 75
We don't routinely call women over 70 but you can continue to have screening every 2 years until you reach 75.
Contact the breast screening service to make an appointment.
Women aged over 75
If you're over 75, you should talk to your GP about continuing to be screened and they'll refer you if appropriate.
What happens during breast screening Breast screening uses X-rays to look for breast cancers when they're too small to be seen or felt. The earlier breast cancer is found, the more successful the treatment.
Breast screening is carried out by female staff only. It takes place at the General Hospital at the Le Quesne Unit.
At your appointment We will:
introduce you to the female radiographer who will check your details, ask a few questions, and explain the procedure show you to a changing room, where you'll undress from the waist up and put on a hospital gown take you to the mammography room, where you'll remove your gown guide you into the correct position at the mammogram machine. You will place 1 breast at a time between 2 special plates. Your breast will be pressed firmly between the plates for a few seconds. We will take 2 pictures of each breast show you back to the changing room to get dressed and go home
You might find the test uncomfortable but any discomfort usually passes quickly.
You can expect to be at the hospital for about half an hour. The actual test only takes a few minutes to complete.
The results of your breast screening You should receive your results by post within 2 weeks of your appointment.
Normal result Most women get a normal screening result meaning their mammogram shows no sign of cancer.
Abnormal result Around 4 in every 100 women have an abnormal result and are called back for more tests. This happens more often for women having their first mammogram because we don't have other mammograms to compare with.
Further tests might include more mammograms, an ultrasound scan or a biopsy.
If you're told you have breast cancer, you'll be cared for by a specialist breast cancer team. Most, but not all, cancers found at breast screening can be successfully treated.
Your breast cancer screening results on NHS Choices website
Risks and side effects of screening Mammograms have been routinely used worldwide.
Having a mammogram means you're exposed to a small amount of radiation.
No screening test is perfect. A normal result doesn't mean that you definitely don't have, or will never develop breast cancer.
Sometimes you'll be recalled for more tests, but cancer isn't there.
Screening can find cancers that are then treated but may never have caused harm.
Whether or not you go for breast screening, you should speak to your GP straightaway if you're worried about a breast problem.
Symptoms of breast cancer and reducing your risk
Performance of the Jersey breast screening programme We run strict quality control checks and submit our results to the Cancer Screening Evaluation Unit at the Royal Marsden Hospital in Surrey. Our programme is also overseen by the chairman of the NHS Breast Screening Programme Quality Assurance Committee. We have consistently achieved the cancer detection targets set by this committee.
The Jersey Breast Screening Programme is also measured against the standards for the NHS Breast Screening Programme each year.