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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Health and Wellbeing Framework for Jersey

ā€‹About the Health and Wellbeing Framework

The Health and Wellbeing Framework describes a new way of working to address the root cause of preventable illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, anxiety and depression, to improve Islanders' wellbeing and mental and physical health. It sets out a system of working across government and the wider community, to achieve outcomes based on what Islanders say matters most to them.

Health and Wellbeing Framework

How we will track progress

The Jersey Performance Framework will track the Health and Wellbeing Framework's progress. This will give a consistent and transparent approach for assessing how well we're doing to meet our commitments.

Working differently

Government and public services in Jersey need to work differently, to support a greater focus on health and wellbeing. 

We need to:

  • work across departments
  • do more earlier, by helping people and families to tackle problems before they escalate
  • empower people and communities to look after their own wellbeing as far as possible

The framework is aligned with the Jersey Care Model. It provides detail on how critical prevention and early intervention actions will be driven forward.

Weā€™re taking a systematic approach, which focuses on: 

  • evidence-driven action through a Jersey Needs Assessment process
  • prioritising and leading on prevention across government by:
    • sustainable wellbeing at the heart of each Government Plan
    • a focus on prevention and early intervention
    • working together to improve the health and wellbeing of Islanders
    • leadership through a Sustainable Wellbeing Political Oversight Group
  • monitoring how well we are doing through Jerseyā€™s Performance Framework

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