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The benefits of stopping smoking

​​​​Why you should stop smoking

No matter how long you've smoked for, no matter how many cigarettes you smoke a day, your health will start to improve as soon as you quit. Take a look at the benefits here.

Benefits of stopping smoking

In addition to the benefits to your physical health, there are other advantages, these include:

  • more money in your pocket
  • you will protect the health of your family and friends by not exposing them to second hand smoke​
  • reduced likelihood that your children will start smoking
  • improved mood and reduced anxiety
  • your clothes and home will no longer smell of stale tobacco smoke
  • reduced risk of fire in your home​

After just 20 minutes​

Your blood pressure and pulse go back to normal and your circulation improves, especially in your hands and feet.

After 8 hours​

Nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in the blood are reduced by half and your oxygen levels return to normal.

After 24 hours​

Carbon monoxide is removed from your body. Your lungs start to clear out mucus and debris.

After 48 hours​​

Your body is now free of nicotine. Your ability to taste and smell improve.

After 72 hours​

Your breathing is easier. Your energy levels increase.

After two to 12 weeks​

Circulation through your body is much better, so it’s easier for you to walk and exercise now.

After one month

Physical appearance improves - skin loses its gray pallor and becomes less wrinkled.

After three to nine months

Your lungs can breathe in 5% to 10% more air and you stop coughing, being short of breath and wheezing.

After one year​

You have now halved your chance of having a heart attack compared to a smoker.

After 10 years​

You have now halved your chance of getting lung cancer compared to a smoker.

After 15 years

Your risk of having a heart attack falls to the same as someone who has never smoked. â€‹

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