Call your GP or call the GUM (sexual health) clinic on +44 (0) 1534 442856 if you either:
- think you have Mpox symptoms
- have been in close contact with someone who has Mpox or has symptoms of Mpox
- think you have Mpox symptoms and you've been to west or central Africa in the past 6 weeks
Avoid close personal or sexual contact with others until you have had a clinical assessment.
Phone the clinic ahead of your visit and avoid close contact with others until you have been seen by a clinician. Your call or discussion will be treated sensitively and confidentially.
Mpox is a rare infection, which is most commonly found in West or Central Africa, and it is very rarely found outside these areas. In spring 2022, however, there have been outbreaks of Mpox in the UK and in many other countries across Europe and across the world. The risk of catching Mpox is low.
There have been fewer than 5 Mpox cases in Jersey to date.
Mpox can spread through:
- contact with clothing, bedding or towels used by someone with the Mpox rash
- contact with Mpox skin lesions or scabs, particularly if your own skin has sores or cuts
- less frequently, the coughs or sneezes of a person with the Mpox rash
Mpox is not described as a sexually transmitted infection, though it can be passed on by direct contact during sex.
In parts of west and central Africa, Mpox can also be caught from infected rodents (such as rats, mice and squirrels) if:
- you are bitten
- you touch its fur, skin, blood, body fluids, spots, blisters or scabs
- you eat its meat and it has not been cooked thoroughly
The risk of catching Mpox in the UK or in Jersey remains very low.
You are very unlikely to catch Mpox if:
- you have not recently travelled to central or west Africa
- you have not been in close contact with someone who has Mpox
If you get infected with Mpox, it usually takes between 5 and 21 days for the first symptoms to appear.
The first symptoms of Mpox include:
- a high temperature
- a headache
- muscle aches
- backache
- swollen glands
- shivering (chills)
- exhaustion
- joint pain
A rash usually appears 1 to 5 days after the first symptoms. The rash often begins on the face, then spreads to other parts of the body. It usually spreads to the arms and legs including the palms and soles. The rash can also start in the genital area.
The rash starts as a flat rash going onto a raised rash and then blisters with clear fluid (vesicles). Each stage lasts about 1 to 2 days.
Vesicles then become pustules (I.e. the fluid becomes opaque).
Pustules last up to 1 week before forming scabs, which then fall off. Patients are infectious from the first onset of symptoms to clearance of all scabs
The symptoms usually clear up in 2 to 4 weeks.
The rash is sometimes confused with other conditions including chickenpox. Chickenpox is much commoner and is most often seen in children. The chickenpox rash is more central and comes out in crops.
Catching Mpox is rare, but you can do these things to reduce your risk of getting it.
wash your hands with soap and water often or use an alcohol based hand sanitiser
only eat meat that has been cooked thoroughly
do not share bedding or towels with people who are unwell and may have Mpox
do not have close contact with people who are unwell and may have Mpox
In Africa:
do not go near wild or stray animals, including dead animals
do not go near any animals that appear unwell
do not eat or touch meat from wild animals (bush meat)
Contact your GP or call the GUM (sexual health) clinic if:
- you think you have Mpox symptoms
- you've been in close contact with someone who has Mpox or has symptoms of Mpox
- you think you have Mpox symptoms and you've been to west or central Africa in the past 6 weeks
Avoid close personal or sexual contact with others until you have had a clinical assessment.
Phone the clinic ahead of your visit and avoid close contact with others until you have been seen by a clinician. Your call or discussion will be treated sensitively and confidentially.
Easy read mokeypox leaflet