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Flu vaccine for children aged 2 to school Year 11

Get the vaccine for your child

Nursery and preschool children (aged 2, 3 and 4)

Nursery and preschool children aged 2, 3 and 4 are offered the flu vaccine every year during autumn and winter at their nursery or GP surgery.

Look out for posters in your child's nursery telling you when the vaccine is offered in nursery or if your child does not attend nursery please contact your GP surgery for an appointment. You won't be charged for the visit.

School-age children (Reception to Year 11)

The nasal flu vaccine is offered in school during autumn and winter to all children from Reception to Year 11.

Your child’s school will provide more details when the vaccine is offered.

Home schooled children

If your child is home schooled, you’ll be sent a letter to your home address with information on how to book a nasal flu vaccine.

School visits for the flu vaccination

Your child’s annual nasal flu vaccination is now due to be given in school. Even if your child received the nasal flu vaccination last year, it’s important they have it again this year to ensure they receive protection against flu ahead of the winter months. The school visits will begin from Monday 16 September 2024.

Your school will provide further information.

​Primary school dates

Primary school name Date nurses will be vaccinating in school
Les Landes
Monday 16 September in the afternoon
St John

Tuesday 17 September in the morning

JCG PrepTuesday 17 September in the morning
Grand VauxTuesday 17 September in the afternoon
La Moye
Wednesday 18 September in the morning
Mont NicolleWednesday 18 September in the morning
St Mary

 Wednesday 18 September in the afternoon

Mont a Labbe

Thursday 19  September all day: secondary, primary & nursery

Plat DouetThursday 19 September in the morning
St Christophers

Thursday 19 September in the afternoon 

Helvitia House Thursday 19 September in the afternoon
St GeorgesFriday 20 September in the morning
De La SalleFriday 20 September in the morning
St PeterFriday 20 September in the afternoon
Beaulieu Friday 20 September in the afternoon
Victoria College PrepMonday 23 September in the morning
Bel RoyalMonday 23 September in the morning
SpringfieldMonday 23 September in the afternoon
St Luke  Monday 23 September in the afternoon
FCJTuesday 24 September in the morning
D'AuvergneTuesday 24 September in the morning
St MichaelsTuesday 24 September in the afternoon
St ClementWednesday 25  September in the morning
JanvrinWednesday 25 September in the morning
St MartinsWednesday 25 September in the afternoon
St Lawrence Wednesday 25 September in the afternoon
Rouge BouillonThursday 26 September in the morning
SamaresThursday 26 September in the morning
Trinity Thursday 26 September in the afternoon
St SavioursThursday 26 September in the afternoon
GrouvilleFriday 27 September in the morning
First TowerFriday 27 September in the morning

Secondary school dates

Secondary school name

Date nurses will be vaccinating in school

De La SalleMonday 30 September all day
Haut Vallee

Tuesday 1 October all day 

Le RocquierWednesday 2 October all day
HautlieuThursday 3 October all day
Friday 4 October all day
Victoria College
Monday 7 October all day
Les QuennevaisTuesday 8 October all day
St MichaelsWednesday 9 October all day
JCG Thursday 10 October all day
GrainvilleFriday 11 October all day
Le SenteTBC

How the annual nasal ​​flu vaccine helps​ your child

The annual flu vaccine can help reduce your child's risk of getting flu over the winter months.​ It's important to protect your child every year because:

  • children are 2 to 3 times more likely to catch flu than adults
  • children under 5 are more likely to be admitted to hospital with flu than any other age group
  • when children get flu, their symptoms are more severe, last longer and can lead to complications
  • children remain infectious for longer and are more likely to pass flu to their family and carers

The nasal flu vaccine for children is:

  • safe and effective
  • given as a single dose gently squirted up each nostril
  • quick and painless as there's no injection involved (children say it tickles)
  • given annually to protect against the virus strains expected to be circulating that winter

How vaccinated children help others

Vaccinating children against flu has been shown to reduce:

  • flu illnesses
  • doctor’s visits
  • missed school days
  • the risk of flu-related hospitalisation

Children are super-spreaders of flu. By vaccinating your child, you help them avoid catching flu or can help reduce the severity of flu symtoms. You also help prevent them from passing flu to vulnerable friends and family, such as grandparents and those with long-term health conditions.​

Nasal flu vaccine effectiveness for children

The nasal flu vaccine has been given to children in schools across the UK since 2013.

Evidence of its effectiveness has been demonstrated from its use in areas where the nasal flu vaccine was given in primary schools in pilot areas in 2014 and 2015.

Public Health England found in those areas where children received the nasal flu vaccine, there was a:

  • 94% reduction in GP surgery consultations for influenza like illness amongst primary school aged children
  • 74% reduction in Accident and Emergency respiratory attendances amongst primary school aged children
  • 93% reduction in admissions to hospital for confirmed flu amongst primary school aged children
  • 59% reduction in GP consultation rates for influenza like illness amongst adults 

This shows that in addition to providing individual protection to children themselves, the nasal flu vaccination reduces transmission across all age groups.

This, in turn, lessens levels of flu infection overall in the winter and reduces the whole burden of flu across the population.

Evidence summarised by Public Health England each year since has shown the children's nasal flu vaccine provides good protection to children each year.

Whilst the nasal flu vaccine is not 100% effective, it is the best protection we can offer children against unpredictable flu viruses that circulate each winter. 

Children with a long-term medical condition

We recommend the flu vaccine for children with any of the following long-term medical conditions:

  • chronic respiratory disease or asthma that requires continuous or repeated use of inhaled or systemic steroids
  • chronic heart disease
  • chronic kidney disease
  • chronic liver disease
  • chronic neurological disease
  • diabetes
  • a suppressed immune system due to disease or treatment like chemotherapy
  • Asplenia or spleen dysfunction
  • a BMI of more than 40

There is no flu vaccine available for children under 6 months.

​​Nasal flu vaccine safety

The nasal flu vaccine is safe and effective and has been given to millions of children across the world over the past decade.​

Children can’t get flu from the nasal vaccine. The vaccine given up a child's nose is 0.1ml, around 1/50th of a teaspoon of fluid given into each nostril. The fluid is quickly absorbed into the child's nose.

The vaccine does not create an external mist. Others in the room are not at risk when the nasal vaccine is given. The vaccine can only work in the temperature of the nose and cannot work in the air.

There are very few side effects. Some children may have a runny nose for a short time after having the nasal vaccine.

The nasal flu vaccine brand used is Fluenz, the package leaflet may be viewed here:

FLUENZ Tetra, INN-influenza vaccine (live attenuated, nasal)​

Find out more about the children’s flu vaccine on NHS.

Some children may be recommended not to recieve nasal flu, an alternative flu vaccine is available.

Contact us

If you have any questions about the flu vaccine, contact:
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