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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Animation showing various people walking, cycling and sitting on a bench at Gorey harbourAnimation showing various people walking, cycling and sitting on a bench at Gorey harbour

Women's health and wellbeing report

Women and girls make up over half of Jersey's population and are known to spend more years in poor health than their male counterparts.

Although this needs assessment focuses mainly on women aged 18 and over, there is analysis included which covers girls mainly in the teenage years where there are known disparities, for example poor mental health or low uptake of physical activity.​

The main report on women's health and wellbeing was published on Wednesday 1​8 December 2024.​

The report outlines key findings regarding the health and wellbeing challenges faced by women, incorporating evidence gathered through a combination of surveys, focus groups, and public consultation.

It's important to note that t​he main report does not provide recommendations. Its focus is on presenting a robust evidence base that can be used by decision makers in government and the community.​

Women's health and wellbeing report (JSNA)​

Supporting documents

2 consultations were completed to gather insights from the public and professional stakeholders. These consultations considered views on women and girls’ health and wellbeing, including:

  • if their needs are being met
  • what harmful factors affect it
  • what barriers prevent access to services
  • what are the priority areas for improvement

The following reports contain detailed overview of the methodology and findings from these consultations as well as a mapping of services.

Public Consultation Appendix 1 JSNA

Professional Stakeholder Consultation Appendix 2 JSNA

Mapping Appendix 3 JSNA​

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