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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

STIs are increasing in Jersey. Anyone who has unprotected sex is at risk. Research shows that young people under 25, men who have sex with men and certain ethnic minority groups are more at risk.

STIs you could catch if you have unprotected sex

The most common STIs are:

Chlamydia and genital warts are the two most common STIs in Jersey. 

Where you can get tested 

Anyone can get tested for STIs at the GUM (sexual health) clinic. The clinic is a free and confidential serviceā€‹ for all islanders who wants a sexual health check.

Swabs and urine samples can be taken for most STI's. Blood samples are taken to test for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis B.  

Chlamydia screening is offered at The Contraception Service. Brook Jersey offer all individuals aged 21 and under chlamydia screening. If you have had unprotected sex and are concerned that you may have an STI, go to the GUM (sexual health) clinic.

How to protect yourself 

The best way to protect yourself against STIs is to use condoms. They're the only method of contraception that protect against most STIs.

If you are having sex with a new partner, you should  use a condom every time you have sex (including oral and anal sex). ā€‹Dental dams can also be used to protect against STIs during oral sex. 

Condoms may not fully protect you against genital warts and herpes. These may be present around the genital area and can be passed on through skin to skin contact, where the condom does not cover.  

If you and your partner use condoms and want to stop, you should both get tested to check that you don't have an STI beforehand. You can find out more about using condoms to protect yourself.

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