Information and public services for the Island of Jersey
L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri
​We want you to tell us what you think.
This is called feedback.
​If something happens that you think is good.
You can tell us about it.
This is called a compliment.
​If something happens to you that you do not like.
This is called a complaint.
​If you would like to tell us something to make our services better.
​We will listen to what you say.
If you want to make a compliment, complaint or comment complete our online form here or email us:
Give us your feedback
​You might need a friend, family member or carer to help you.
​You do not need to put your name if you do not want to.
​If you leave your name, phone number or email address we will contact you.
We will contact you in 5 working days.
​We will keep your information private.
We will only share it if we need to keep you and others safe.
Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018
Health and Community Services' privacy policy
+44 (0) 1534 445600
Adult Learning Disability Service Government of Jersey Union Street St Helier Jersey JE2 3DN