Information and public services for the Island of Jersey
L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri
​What it means to have a learning disability
​A learning disability is:
A learning disability is:
This might be household tasks, looking after your money and communicating with other people.
​A learning disability is not a learning difficulty.
​A learning difficulty is when a person finds one or two things difficult, like reading or writing.
Dyslexia and dyspraxia are learning difficulties.
​A learning disability is not a mental illness.
​A learning disability is not Autism.
​A learning disability is not a physical or medical illness.
​People with a learning disability can still do lots of things.
​You can:
​A person with a learning disability might find some things hard.
​Such as:
​You might need help with:
​Why some people have a learning disability
​Some people are born with a learning disability and we do not know why.
Other times it is because of something that happened before or after you were born.
​You can ask to find out if you have a learning disability
​You will need to have an assessment from the Adult Learning Disability Team.
​An assessment means you will be asked some questions about:
​How it might feel to be told you have a learning disability
​You might feel happy to know why you need help with some things.
​You might feel angry or upset knowing that you might need support to do these things.
​You might feel confused.
It might be a lot of information to think about.
​Talking about how you feel can help you feel better.
​What changes if you have a learning disability
​Having a learning disability means you might be able to get some support.
This might be:
Having a learning disability means services should make changes to help you.
You should be given information in a way you understand.
You can ask to have longer appointment times.
This is the law, a law is like a rule that services need to follow.
Discrimination (Disability) (Jersey) Regulations 2018
+44 (0) 1534 445600
Adult Learning Disability Service Government of Jersey Union Street St Helier Jersey JE2 3DN