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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Advice and services for tenants renting property

​Here you can find links to useful information and services if you're a tenant renting a property.

Rent a property (Rent Hub)

Find information about deposit protection, housing providers, how to register on the rent safe scheme, the landlords accreditation scheme, rent safe standards and lodging accommodation.

Renting a property (Rent Hub)

Residential status

Find information on the residential statuses required to purchase or rent property in Jersey. 

Residential and employment statuses and what they mean

Tenant and landlord rights

Find information on landlord and tenant rights, the law and how it applies to you, giving notice and your rights and responsibilities.

Tenant and landlord rights 

​mydeposits Jersey

Any deposits placed to rent a home must be protected in the States’ approved tenancy deposit scheme, mydeposits Jersey.

mydeposits Jersey

Affordable housing (social housing)

Find information on accessing affordable housing through the Affordable Housing Gateway.

Affordable Housing 

Housing providers

Find a list of the island's housing providers.

Housing providers 

Income Support

Income Support is a benefit to help islanders who pass the residency test and income tests. Find out who can claim and how to apply for Income Support, and details about emergency support and special payments.

Income Support

How your income support benefit is made up

Housing adaptations

Information regarding the Occupational Therapy Service and how they can help you with housing adaptations if you suffer from an impairment or a medical condition.

Occupational therapy 

Parish and islandwide rates

Information on who pays rates, when and how they need to be paid and what to do if you're moving or selling.

Parish and islandwide rates

Damp and condensation

Learn why and how condensation and damp can affect your home, and get tips and information to help you control it.

Housing standards

Learn how housing conditions can affect your health and how housing standards are governed in Jersey.

Housing standards

Lodging accommodation

Find out how a property qualifies as a lodging house, requirements and standards, charges and legal requirements.

Housing for people with 'registered' status

Details about the type of property you can live in if your residential status in Jersey is 'registered'.

Condition reports for landlords and tenants

Learn about compulsory condition reports for tenanted properties, and download a report template to use.

Citizens Advice information on evictions

Citizens Advice Jersey's page containing additional information regarding eviction processes.

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