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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

If you're a company buying property

​Apply for consent

Complete the form below if you’re a company and want to buy land or property, including transfers and leases. This means that you apply for the consent of the Chief Minister to enter into the transaction.

You must return your completed form before any sale, transfer or lease takes place.

Application for consent to enter into a specified transaction concerning a company

Guidance notes to complete the form

Use the consent form for:

  • buying a property
  • property transfers, such as gifts
  • contract leases
  • leases of property. However, you only need to fill out the form if there is residential accommodation at the property

What we mean by a legal person

A legal person cannot get land as a party to a specified transaction without written consent from the Chief Minister.

A legal person includes:

  • any body of persons, corporate or unincorporated
  • the Crown
  • corporation soles

What a specified transaction is

A specified transaction is a legal person:

  • purchasing any land or property
  • entering into any lease, paper or contract, of land or property that includes residential accommodation

Granting consent

In deciding whether to grant consent, the Minister will take into account whether consent can be justified in the best interests of the community. The Minister will consider the supply and demand of property. Where relevant, the Minister will also promote ownership of residential property by people with Entitled residential and employment status.

Buying a property in your own name

If you want to get a property in your own name, you need a registration card. You don’t need to apply for consent from the Chief Minister.

Moving house or job (registration cards)

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