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Exporting fish to the EU from 1 January 2021

ā€‹Border Control Posts

All consignments of Jersey caught fresh fish and fishery products must enter the EU through a Border Control Post (BCP). An example of exporting includes shipping of Jersey Fishery Products as freight on a ferry or other commercial carrier who takes it to the EU.

Check with the BCP that they can process your goods and how much notice prior to arrival the BCP requires. Currently St Malo is the only local BCP although a request has been made for a BCP in Granville.

What you need to do

To be ready to export fish from 1 January 2021 you must take the following steps:

1. Register for the Fish Export Service. The Fish Export Service creates the catch certificates and other documents required by the EU Illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (IUU) Regulation.

The Fish Export Service is now live so please do not create any test documents. If you need help you can call the specialist team on 0330 159 1989. This helpline is now open 24/7.  Please follow this link for the Creating a Catch Certificate Video.

  • catch certificate: this confirms to the EU that fish being imported into Europe has been caught legally. Each catch certificate includes information on where and when fishing took place, what and how much was caught and by which vessel(s).  You must send the validated catch certificate to the importer so they can give them to the receiving country's competent authority. You must complete this 1-3 hours before estimated time of arrival of the consignment by sea.
  • storage document - If you're exporting to the EU, fish sourced from another country that has been stored on the premises for 12 hours or longer, but not processed in any way, you'll need to create a storage document. You must keep a copy of the catch certificate from the original consignment with the storage document.
  • processing statement - If you're exporting to the EU, fish sourced from another country that has been processed in Jersey, you'll need to create a processing statement. Include a copy of the catch certificate from the original consignment with the processing statement. 

2. Apply to Jersey Environmental Health Department to be listed as an approved business. Fisheries products will need to be dispatched to the EU from an establishment 'Approved' under food hygiene regulations and will then be listed with the EU for export purposes. This gives you an Approval Number that must feature on your paperwork. Email

3.  Apply for the relevant Export Health Certificate (EHC). You'll need an EHC from Environmental Health for all exports of fisheries products into the EU. The Environmental Health Department will provide the appropriate EHC and guidance notes for you to complete and return for certification by an Environmental Health Officer. The original EHC will travel with your goods, therefore you need a completed EHC showing your goods have been certified at the time of being dispatched.

Exports of Scallops and Whelks

Wild caught Live Bivalve Molluscs (Scallops and Clams) and Marine Gastropods (Whelks) don't need a catch certificate but will need a shellfish registration document. The EU will not have the correct form for exporting wild caught Live Bivalve and Gastropod Molluscs until the new EU Animal Health Regulations come into effect on 21 April 2021 and so export of these species may not be possible until this time. Wild caught Live Bivalve Molluscs and Gastropod Molluscs caught in unclassified waters can't be directly placed on the EU market. Email if you export these products into France and have any questions.

4. Customs Requirements. Brexit Business Trade provides guidance on importing and exporting goods, the introduction of new border controls and information on an Economic Operator Requisition and Identification (EORI numbers).

5. As these are European measures we strongly recommend that you ask your buyer in France to check the requirements with the French Authorities.  

If you have any questions on the above email

Customs queries

Jersey Customs Agents may be able to answer specific customs related questions in relation to the impact that Brexit may have on Jersey businesses email or phone +44 (0) 1534 448000.

Goods subject to Sanitary and Phytosanitary Controls (SPS) on the French Brexit website

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