ββThe fight against financial crime and the financing of terrorism involves a significant number of people and agencies.β
Jersey has its own independent parliamentary body, the States of Jersey, which operates under a ministerial system of government. For financial matters the most relevant Ministers are:
Chief Minister
Ultimate responsibility for the finance industry rests with the Chief Minister, who is part of the steering group that oversees proposed changes to legislation as well as the interaction between key Island agencies.
Due to the wide responsibilites of the Chief Minister, other Ministers have involvement with this sector.
Minister with responsibility for Financial Services
Given the importance of the sector to the Island the Minister for External Relations has been given responsibility for financial services. This role is supported by the Minister for Treasury and Resources.
This ensures that there is always Ministerial support available for the Financial Crime Strategy Group, the Financial Services Unit, and the Economy Department as a whole.
Both Ministers currently in post have a background in the finance industry, and sit on the steering group which meets on a monthly basis.
Minister for External Relations
While known as the Minister for External Relations, in recent years this role has included aspects of the finance industry, and is also responsible for compliance with the Common (Foreign) Policy of the Council of Ministers, including United Kingdom and United Nations financial sanctions and the fulfilment of the Island's international treaty obligations, which broadly echo those of the United Kingdom.
Minister for Treasury and Resources
There is a clear connection between this role and the finance industry. ββ
Minister for Home Affairs
Home Affairs includes responsibility for the States of Jersey Police (SOJP) and the Jersey Customs and Immigration Service (JCIS), as well as the Island's emergency services and Prison Service. It does not include the prosecution of offences, which is dealt with by the Attorney-General in the Law Officers' Department.
Financial Crime Strategy Group
The Financial Crime Strategy Group is part of the Government's Economy Department, and is focused on ensuring that the Island fully implements international financial crime standards, while remaining financially competitive. The group sits within the Government's Economy Department.
Jersey Financial Services Commission (JFSC)
The Commission deals with licensing, registration and supervision of financial institutions and other businesses and professions for compliance with AML / CFT / CPF legislation and regulatory requirements. They also operate Jersey's Companies Registry and 15 other registries, including Jersey companies, business names, foundations, partnerships and security interests.
Jersey Financial Services Commission
Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU)
Jersey's Financial Intelligence Unit collects information on suspicious or unusual financial activity that could indicate money laundering or terrorist financing. It is responsible for receiving, analysing and disseminating this information to other authorities, both domestically and overseas. Previously part of the Joint Financial Crimes Unit (JFCU) their roles were separated in 2022 with the JFCU remaining an operational Police unit, and the FIU becoming an autonomous body, with an independent Director who reports to a board of Governors.
Jersey Financial Crimes Unit (JFCU)
The Jersey Financial Crime Unit is an operational Police unit that investigates suspected financial crime, including money laundering and terrorist financing. Based in Police Headquarters, they liaise closely with the JFSC and Law Officers' Department.
Jersey Charity Commissioner
Established in 2014, the officer of the Jersey Charity Commissioner maintains the charity register which contains information about local charities which is, with some limited exceptions, publicly available. The aim of the office is to ensure confidence in charities and assist the governors to understand their role and responsibilities. They share certain information with the JFSC, both to avoid charities having to supply information in duplicate, and to provide for the appropriate level of oversight.
Jersey Charity Commissioner and register of charities
Jersey Gambling Commission
The Jersey Gambling Commission licenses and regulates remote gambling, land-based commercial gambling, as well as social and charitable gambling in Jersey; in effect everything except the Jersey Lottery, which is administered directly by the Government of Jersey. The Commission regulates gambling locally in accordance with generally accepted international standards to prevent fraud and money laundering, and prevent gambling being permitted to be a source of crime. They ensure products and services are verifiably fair and implement safeguards necessary to protect those who may be vulnerable to a gambling addiction.
The Jersey Gambling Commission (jgc.je)
Attorney General and the Law Officers' Department
The Attorney General is the head of the prosecution authority in Jersey, and no criminal case goes ahead without his approval. The Law Officers' Department also provides legal advice to Government departments and the States Assembly, and works with the JFSC, JFCU and JFIU to identify cases for investigation and charge.
The Law Officers Department incliudes the Economic Crime and Confiscation Unit (ECCU) which is dedicated to investigating and prosecuting complex financial crime, and the Mutual Legal Assistance Department (MLA) which deals with evidential requests from other jurisdicitons, and in turn seeks assistance from them for investivgtions and prosecutions being conducted in Jersey.
Law Officers' Department (gov.je)
Viscount's Department
The Viscount's Department has four principle functions, the most visible being their Court enforcement role, serving legal papers and collecting fines. Following the imposition of sanctions it was the Viscount who seized the assets, as seizure, management and realisation of property is part of their duties. They also organise the jury panel for Assize trials, are the Island's Coroner, and administer bankruptcy procedures.
Functions of the Viscount's department
Treasury and Exchequer Department
This department administers the Criminal Offences Confiscation Fund, which exists to hold the confiscated proceeds of criminal activity.