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Combatting proliferation financing

All United Nations Security Council (UNSC) and UK autonomous sanctions related to the prevention and disruption of the financing of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) are implemented in Jersey through the Sanctions and Asset-Freezing (Jersey) Law 2019 and the Sanctions and Asset Freezing (Implementation of External Sanctions) (Jersey) Order 2021 (together "Jersey's sanctions legislation"). 

Jersey's sanctions legislation gives effect to the UNSC proliferation financing regime by applying the relevant UK sanctions Regulation, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019. Jersey's sanctions legislation also gives effect to UK autonomous proliferation financing sanctions regime, the Iran (Sanctions) (Nuclear) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019.

  • WMD include, for example, atomic explosive weapons, lethal biological and chemical weapons, radioactive material weapons and any weapons developed in the future which have comparative destructive effects
  • Jersey also implements export controls of dual-use goods, UK trade sanctions, arms embargoes and other trade restrictions that have been put in place to help combat proliferation

Guidance on the combatting of Proliferation Financing of weapons of mass destruction on the Jersey Financial Services website

Useful links 

News and resources on Proliferation Financing

OFSI Advisory on North Korean IT Workers​

Combatting Financial Crime Together: Proliferation Financing

Documents produced by the FATF

FATF Guidance on Countering Proliferation Financing 

Documents produced by authorities within jurisdictions

Bahamas Guidance Note on Proliferation and Proliferation Financing 

Isle of Man Proliferation Financing Notice 

Singapore Paper on Sound Practices for Countering Proliferation Financing 

Documents produced by independent bodies

RUSI Guidance Paper on Countering Proliferation Finance: An Introductory Guide for Financial Institutions 

Typologies of Proliferation Financing 

Challenges With Implementing Proliferation Financing Controls and How Export Controls Can Help

CNAS: The Financing of Nuclear and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation

CNAS: The Financing of WMD Proliferation and Conducting Risk Assessments

CNS Occasional Paper 'Countering North Korean Procurement Networks Through Financial Measures: The Role of Southeast Asia' 

C4ADS 'Dispatched': Mapping Overseas Forced Labour in North Korea's Proliferation Finance System 

C4ADS 'Risky Business': A System Level Analysis of the North Korean Proliferation Financing System 

C4ADS 'The Forex Effect': US Dollars, Overseas Networks and IllIcit North Korean Finance

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