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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Apply for an Animal Welfare Licence

​When you need a licence

You must hold an Animal Welfare Licence if you:

  • already have or want to open an animal sanctuary
  • have a business selling animals as pets
  • have a business boarding cats or dogs
  • have a pet grooming business at any premises (including mobile units or private residence)
  • keep 5 or more females for the purpose of breeding for sale. This includes dogs, cats, guinea pigs, rabbits and horses
  • have a business keeping or using animals wholly or mainly for the purpose of performing for reward or entertaining the public
  • keep animals for exhibitions at any premises with public access for more than 7 days in a year, with or without an admission charge

You cannot apply for a licence if you're disqualified:

  • under Article 30 of the law
  • from keeping an animal under any other enactment 
  • from holding any licence mentioned in Article 30

Animal Welfare (Jersey) Law 2004 on Jersey Law


The standards required for your premises are based on the welfare code relevant to the type of animal you have in your care.

Application process

After receiving your completed application form, we'll arrange to inspect your premises.

We can make arrangements for an invoice to be sent out or you can pay by cheque, payable to "The Treasurer of the States". The fee is on the application form.

Complete the relevant application form and send to

Animal exhibit licence

This licence is to keep​ animals wholly, or mainly, for the purpose of exhibition to the public, at any premises to which members of the public have access, with or without charge for admission, on 7 days or more in any period of 12 consecutive months.

Application for an animal exhibit licence

Animal grooming licence

This licence is for the grooming, for reward, of other people's animals, at any premises (including a private dwelling), whether or not the animals are kept at those premises.

Application for an animal grooming licence

Animal performance licence

This licence is for keeping or use of any animal, wholly or mainly for the purpose of performing tricks or manoeuvres, for reward for the entertainment of the public.

Application for an animal performance licence

Sale of animals licence

This licence is for the sale, from premises other than a private dwelling, wholly or mainly for domestic purposes, or the keeping of animals at premises other than a private dwelling, with a view to such sale, whether by the person carrying on the business or any other person.

Application for the sale of animals licence

Animal boarding licence

This licence is for the provision, for reward, of accommodation for other people's dogs or cats at any premises (excluding a private dwelling, unless the dogs or cats are accommodated only in any yard, garden, garage, outhouse or other appurtenance forming part of the dwelling).

Application for an animal boarding licence

Animal breeding licence

This licence is for keeping 5 or more female cats, dogs, guinea pigs, horses or rabbits at any premises (including a private dwelling) for the purpose of breeding for sale, whether by the person commencing or carrying on the business or by any other person.

Application for an animal breeding licence

Animal Sanctuaries

It is an offence for a person to establish or keep an animal sanctuary, except under the authority of a licence.

A person establishes or keeps an animal sanctuary if that person regularly receives into his or her care:

  • domestic or captive animals which are, or appear to be unwanted, or to have been lost or abandoned by their owner, or which can no longer be kept by their owner
  • any other animals for the purpose of their temporary or permanent accommodation at any premises (including a private dwelling), whether with or without the provision of any treatment.

Application for an animal sanctuary licence

Inspection fees

The fee for your licence inspection depends on the type of premises you have and the type of animals you care for.

If you have more than 1 business requiring a licence we may be able offer a reduced fee.

You must renew your licence every year.

Keeping or breeding premises and boarding kennels

These fees only apply for premises keeping some types of animals:

  • dogs
  • cats
  • rabbits
  • guinea pigs
  • horses
​Number of animals
​New licence, including GST
​Annual renewal, including GST
​Less than 10
​10 or more

Grooming or sale premises, performance or exhibition and sanctuaries

These fees apply for premises keeping all types of animals.

​New licence, including GST
​Annual renewal, including GST

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