​​​​​​About CITES
International movement and trade of some species of animals and plants is controlled so it does not threaten their survival. This includes:
- their derivatives
- antiques and clothing made or containing CITES-listed species
- pets
Species are listed by the
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora (CITES)​.
You may need a CITES permit or certificate to import, export or re-export any living or dead plant or animal or any of its parts which is listed by CITES.
This includes the movement of specimens to and from:
- the Channel Islands
- the UK
- EU
- the rest of the world
- the receiving country may seize it
- you could be subject to criminal offences
For more information email the CITES team.
Endangered Species (CITES) (Jersey) Law 2012
Import permits
You must apply for an import permit if you’re moving into Jersey a specimen listed in CITES Appendix I.
You’ll need both import and export permits:
- import permit from Jersey CITES Management Authority
- export permit from the exporting country
The export permit must be shown to the country of import before an import permit can be requested.
If you’re importing Appendix II or III species, you’ll only need a valid export or re-export permit from the exporting country.
Export and re-export permits
You must apply for an export permit if you’re moving a specimen out of Jersey for the first time.
If the species has previously been imported into Jersey and you’re moving it out you must apply for a re-export permit. You’ll need to provide evidence of the legal import.
This includes any items subsequently converted to manufactured goods.
Before you apply for a permit
CITES species are listed in 3 appendices. Appendix I includes species most threatened with extinction and has the strictest protection. Appendix III has the least.
Before you apply for a permit you must check:
- if the specimen is listed on 1 of the appendices using
- if the specimen is subject to an import suspension. To find this:
- go to
- enter the specimen in the search
- select the correct specimen
- under the Legal tab go to EU Decision to find information on suspensions
- the CITES controls for the importing and exporting countries. You can do this by contacting the CITES Management authority of the relevant country. Find a list of
country profiles on CITES
If you cannot find your specimen on Species+:
- check you’re spelling the specimen correctly
- complete a wider browser search to see if it’s CITES-listed
- contact us
Live CITES-listed animals or animal products are subject to welfare, sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) controls and need extra documents or checks. Find more information on
import, export or travel with small pets.
Customs requirements
All CITES permits and certificates must be endorsed by Jersey Customs and Immigration when the species enters or exits Jersey.
Once your permit application has been approved you need to:
Find more information on bringing restricted items to Jersey.
If you’re moving specimens to the UK, you must do this through a CITES designated port. Find a list on trading or moving CITES-listed specimens through UK ports and airports on GOV.UK.
Apply for a permit or certificate
To apply you must give details of your proposed shipment and pay the relevant fee.
You may also need to provide supporting documents such as:
- evidence of microchip number
- proof of purchase
- travel or trade history, including relevant CITES permits or certificates
It can take up to 3 weeks for us to process your application.​
Apply for a CITES permit
​Permit fees and validity period
You need to pay a fee for each application.
New | ÂŁ42.20 |
Replacement or alteration | ÂŁ24.10
You may have to pay different fees for specific permits or certificates. This will show on the online form when you apply for a CITES permit.
You may have to apply for 1 permit and pay 1 fee for multiple specimens as long as they:
- are of the same species (for animals other than corals) or genus (for plants and corals)
- have the same source and purpose code
- are to be transported between the same importer and exporter
Endangered Species (CITES) (Fees) (Jersey) Order 2012​
The type of permit or certificate determines how long a permit or certificate is valid for.
Import, introduction from the sea and certificate of origin | 12 months |
Export and re-export | 6 months |
Certificate of captive breeding, certificate of artificial propagation, pre-convention certificate and travelling exhibition certificate | 3 years
Free permits
You may not have to pay for the permit if the movement or trade brings conservation benefits.
This includes for:
- captive-breeding or artificial propagation programme
- re-introduction programme
- education and training
- scientific purposes
You need to request for the fees to be waived before you make the permit application. Complete the fee-waiving application below and email it to us.
Fee waiving application for CITES certificates or permits
Common CITES-listed species or items
You may need a CITES permit to move the following which are CITES-listed species, are made or contain it:
- antiques that contain ivory or rosewood
- coral
- exotic pets such as axolotls. You’ll need to show you can adequately care for the species
- clothing or jewellery made from CITES-listed species such as eel skin boots or crocodile skin watch straps
- musical instruments. These are sometimes made using CITES-listed species
If you're not sure you should contact us for more information before moving any items or species.
In some circumstances you do not need a permit or certificate to move CITES-listed items such as personal and household effects.
If you think an item you’re planning to import, export or re-export includes a CITES-listed specimen, contact us for more information.