​​Arts in Health Care Trust
The Arts in Health Care Trust’s purpose is to offer arts – in the broadest sense – to people who would otherwise have limited access due to health, mobility or special needs issues. It takes the holistic view that the arts can encourage a healing process - so interaction and participation are fundamental to the trust’s activities.
The Arts in Health Care Trust:
- subsidises the cost of performances
- encourages local musicians to develop relationships with residential homes and day centres by publishing a directory of local artists
- promotes arts therapies and gives grants and project funding to support work in the community and care settings
- encourages a social activities forum to keep people in healthcare settings socially active
- supports the installation of art in locations such as the General Hospital and Westmount
Arts in Health Care Trust website
Jersey Arts Centre
Promoting the arts in Jersey
Jersey Arts Centre in St Helier offers a variety of arts and entertainment, ranging from performances and exhibitions to street theatre and workshops. It manages two performance venues and provides gallery spaces and meeting rooms.
It also manages its own theatre groups: Junior Drama for 8 to 13 year olds, 'youtheatre' for 14 to 19 year olds and ArtsCentreTheatre (ACT) for people 18 and over.
Jersey Arts Centre is supported by a revenue grant from the States of Jersey’s Education, Sport and Culture Department so that it can carry out its main aim of promoting the arts in the Island.
Theatre, gallery and room hire
Jersey Arts Centre provides facilities for hire, including gallery spaces (some gallery spaces may only be hired subject to approval of your work).
Jersey Arts Centre website
ArtHouse Jersey
ArtHouse Jersey, formally known as The Jersey Arts Trust, works to support artists in the creation of ambitious work that has a positive impact on our Island community and international audiences.
ArtHouse Jersey:
- provides seed funding for local artists and arts organisations
- produces large-scale exhibitions, theatre pieces, and concerts
- delivers workshops and event that engage with and benefit our Island community
- acts as an independent adviser and advocate for the arts community
- can provide creative spaces for local artists in they way of studios and residencies
- can provide creative spaces for local artists (some spaces are free. Contact the trust to find out more)
ArtHouse Jersey website
Jersey Opera House
The Jersey Opera House, owned by the States of Jersey, strives to provide the very best artistic entertainment in the Island. It is an Edwardian-style theatre that hosts and programmes local and touring productions, concerts and workshops.
The Jersey Opera House offers facilities suitable for conferences, performances, classes and workshops as well as gallery space.
Jersey Opera House
​​Jersey Opera House refurbishment