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Consultation on new guidance for Waterfront development

01 February 2006


Waterfront Planning – new guidelines published for consultation

Jersey’s Planning Department today published draft supplementary planning guidance for the development of the Jersey Waterfront.

The Department is now inviting comment from the public and from interest groups in a consultation which will run until 27 March. This document will now join the report on tall buildings, written by Peter Sandover, which is also now being consulted upon.

Responses to both documents will be independently reviewed by Chris Shepley, CBE, former chief planning inspector and past president of the Royal Town Planning Institute. His task will be to analyse the responses and merge both of the two consultation documents into a single masterplan, to be published in April.

The purpose of the supplementary planning guidance published today is to establish criteria for good quality design which must be addressed in development proposals. In this case, the new guidance will apply to the three remaining Waterfront development sites: Castle Quays, Les Jardins and Esplanade Square.

The guidelines will enhance and supplement the existing policies set out for the Waterfront in the Island Plan, which was approved by the States in 2002. They propose six new policies. They focus on:

  • de​sign issues – including a provision for reflecting the character of Jersey; vistas and viewlines;
  • pedestrian links and public open space;
  • traffic, transport and parking;
  • the use of sustainable and locally-relevant construction;
  • the use and purpose of the new buildings and the effect these will have on vibrancy and vitality of the area;
  • the environmental impact on the area.

Senator Freddie Cohen, Minister for Planning and Environment, said: “These documents have now been published in draft form so that we can listen to the views of the public and groups with an interest in the Waterfront development. I hope everyone will examine them and understand them so that we can interpret the thoughts of the community in the final masterplan document. In this way, I hope that we will ensure we have a Waterfront of which the whole community can feel proud.”

The draft guidelines are available from the States bookshop at Morier House, and on the States website.

A public forum will be arranged to examine and discuss the guidelines on Saturday 4 March. 

For more information, contact:

Senator Freddie Cohen, Minister for Planning and Environment. Telephone 077977 14550


Richard Williamson, principal planning officer. Telephone + 44 (0) 1534 448456

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