24 February 2006
Economic Development – further talks on retail outlets
An amended report on Jersey’s retail sector has been published today following widespread consultation.
The original report was written and released by independent consultants Experian in August 2005. It sparked much interest and discussion and as a result of the comments received in the consultation period which followed, it has been amended.
One of Experian’s suggestions was that an additional supermarket in Jersey could have a beneficial effect on customer choice and prices. This recommendation is unchanged in the amended report and the Economic Development Department now wants to have further discussions with retailers and with consumer groups to get a deeper understanding of their points of view.
Mike King, the Department’s chief officer and Dougie Peedle, economic adviser in the Chief Minister’s Department, will meet retailers and consumer groups in the next few weeks to talk about the business implications of allowing a new supermarket to operate in Jersey and the expected impact of increased competition on consumer choice and pricing.
Senator Philip Ozouf, Minister for Economic Development said: “I have asked the Economic Adviser to give me the clearest possible understanding of who might be most affected by any decision to expand retail space. He will meet representatives of the Chamber of Commerce, plus individual large retailers and consumers to get this information. We will work closely with the chief officers and ministers for Planning and Treasury to ensure that we have fully joined up thinking about what’s best for the whole community.”
Economic Adviser Dougie Peedle said: “We are very happy to hear from any other retailers or consumers who would like to meet us to talk over the issues”.
Any retailers or consumers wanting to contribute to the consultation should contact Therese Le Quesne on 705502 or T.LeQuesne@gov.je
For a copy of the report please click on the link below -
Assessment of Jersey's Retail Sector - Amended Report (