04 April 2006
The number of full and part time posts filled in the public sector decreased by 86 in the 12 months ending 31 December 2005.
The total head count – which includes both part time and full time staff – was 6,383. The number of posts filled is significantly lower than the number of posts which have been approved by the States, which are 6,718.
These figures are published in a Report tabled in the States today (Wednesday April 5th).
The main growth in the workforce has been limited to areas which provide essential front line services, such as education and the prison service. Most other Departments have seen decreases in the number of posts filled reflecting the recent efficiency savings generated by departments to achieve the £20 million per annum cost of running States services.
The Minister for Treasury and Resources, said:
“It is encouraging to see that the States promise to change and improve efficiency is now being achieved and this is being reflected in the significant decrease in posts filled over the last twelve months.
In those areas where additional staff are required to improve efficiency posts have been awarded accordingly, including the additional posts required to run an efficient prison service, and thus reduce the overtime costs, which has very much been in the public eye of late.
2006 will be the first year of Ministerial Government and I have every confidence that once Departments have settled into the new structure further efficiencies will be achieved. ”