09 March 2007
As part of National Real Nappy Week (11th-18th March), parents in
are being encouraged to reduce the amount of waste they throw out by choosing washable nappies. Disposable nappies make an alarming contribution to household rubbish with an estimated 13,000 nappies ending up in the bin each day.
As well as cutting down on waste, families choosing real nappies can avoid the weekly costs of buying disposables saving an estimated £600 while a child is in nappies. Further saving can be made by re-using nappies for a second child.
As part of its waste minimisation policies, Transport and Technical Services offer parents a £30 voucher for purchases of washable nappy products. Since the scheme was re-launched in July last year, the take up rate amongst new parents has been 12%. This compares well with the
average of 15%.
John Rive
, TTS Recycling Officer says “We’re very encouraged by the number of parents who have used our voucher scheme so far. Modern washable nappies don’t need pins or soaking so they’re much easier and practical to use than the old towelling nappies most people remember.”
Parents wishing to find out more about real nappies are being invited to a “Nappuccino” – a coffee morning at The Bridge (Former St Mark’s School) on Wednesday 14th March at
10.30 am
. A short presentation will be given and a nappy agent will be available to give advice.