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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri


29 March 2007

From next week, anyone applying for a driving licence will be given a new credit card sized plastic one. The new style of licence will be much more difficult to forge, fits easily into a purse or wallet and could be used for identification at airports, banks and clubs. Old style pink cardboard licences remain valid until the expiry date shown on them.

A full licence will now cost ÂŁ40, but it will last for 10 years rather than the current five years. A provisional licence will cost ÂŁ15.

The new licence has a number of security features that will make it very difficult to forge and it no longer has details of the holder’s address, making it less likely that someone’s identity can be used if their wallet or purse is lost or stolen. The style of licence will be more recognisable when used abroad as it is similar to licences used throughout Europe .

Anyone applying for a licence for the first time will, from next week, have to provide similar evidence of their identity as when applying for a passport. Full details of the identity requirements are available from parish halls.

Connétable of Grouville, Dan Murphy, said, “The Comité des Connétables was keen to introduce the new style licence well before the next mass renewal date in 2009. While you should still take your application for a licence to your own parish hall, the Town Hall will produce all licences and send them out to the licence holder’s home address. Working with the States, we have managed to provide a modern and efficient system that links all parish halls via the internet to a central production line at St Helier Town Hall”.

Details of all licence holders will be held on a central database that the States Police and Honorary Police will be able to access should any roadside checks be necessary. Similarly, the Magistrate’s Court will have access to the system to deal with matters such as endorsements and driving bans.

Connétable Murphy continued, “All existing pink and blue cardboard licences continue to be legal until the expiry date shown on the licence, so people shouldn’t rush to their parish hall to get a new style licence. The new licences will only be issued to those applying for a licence for the first time or whose licence is due to expire or who need to change their name or address.”

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