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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Financial Commitment Confirmed for Festive Ice Rink

30 November 2007

The Economic Development Minister has confirmed financial support towards staging this year’s ice skating rink, which will once again form part of the FĂȘte dĂ© NouĂ© programme. The decision comes as a result of a direct approach to the department for funding by Media Masters, the company staging the event.

Over the previous two years the ice skating rink has been staged on part of the Waterfront site; however, the Waterfront Enterprise Board concluded in September this year that event management was no longer core to its business activities.

The Economic Development Department has always supported this activity, seeing it as an important part of their FĂȘte dĂ© NouĂ© Christmas programme and were keen to pursue alternative arrangements. A proposal to stage a similar event with an international food village on Parade Gardens received strong support from the ConnĂ©table of St Helier and although private sponsorship had been obtained the event organisers approached Economic Development to bridge the funding gap. Following the revised procedures now in place for grant funding the proposals were examined by officials and a recommendation made to the Minister. The Minister has authorised a grant of ÂŁ25,000.

Senator Philip Ozouf, Minister for Economic Development, says, “We are delighted to sponsor this event which will offer both visitors and residents a great experience over the festive period and will complement our exciting programme of activities during La FĂȘte dĂ© NouĂ©.”

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