22 January 2007
​​​The Social Security Minister has considered the Employment Forum’s minimum wage recommendation.
Following the Employment Forum’s review of the minimum wage in October last year, the recommendations for the April 2007 minimum wage were presented to the Minister on 5th January.
The Forum considered that it had made sensible and balanced recommendations that are appropriate for the local economy.
Social Security Minister, Senator Paul Routier, said “My Assistant Minister, Deputy Peter Troy, and I, have given the report our full consideration and I am pleased to announce that all of the Forum’s recommendations have been accepted.”
Preparations are now underway to amend the relevant legislation and guidelines to reflect the Forum’s recommendations, some of ​which will require States approval.
The Forum's full recommendation is available on the States website
Copies of the Forum’s recommendation and the Minister’s response to that recommendation may be obtained from Kate Morel, k.morel@gov.je or 447203.
Please click here if you would like to view the Social Security Minister's response to the Employment Forum's minimum wage recommendation for April 2007