31 May 2007
Transport and Technical Services (TTS) needs to update the Traffic Model it uses to determine the effects of various proposals, including changes to the road network and proposed planning developments. A large number of traffic surveys will need to be carried out, starting in June and running over a period of 2 weeks. Some of the surveys require the participation of the travelling public.
A series of surveys will be carried out at various traffic light locations. While waiting at the red light, a sample of drivers will be asked a few brief questions about their journeys, causing no disruption to the flow of traffic. Other surveys will be carried out at car parks, and will only take a few minutes to complete. This information is vital to the effectiveness of updating the model, which was first constructed in 1992, and the department asks the public for their willing participation. The researchers will be clearly identifiable in fluorescent jackets.
All the questions being asked, have been carefully structured, so that no information can be traced to an individual person.
The Minister for TTS, Deputy Guy De Faye, said “With so many ideas floating around which may affect our roads and the traffic on them, it is really important that Transport and Technical Services has the necessary tools to assess the likely impacts. The more people who can take the time to help us out with their daily travel patterns, the better the new Traffic Model will be. “