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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Business communications on GST

25 February 2008

The Comptroller of Income Tax, Malcolm Campbell is reinforcing the need for businesses to be prepared for the introduction of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) in the Island on 1 May 2008 with a letter to local businesses.

The letter, reminding businesses of the law, its requirements and the practical implications of it, is being sent out in phases from Friday 22 February.  This letter forms a part of a broader communications strategy on GST.  Advertisements are appearing in the local press and radio station directing the public to the States website or the Customer Services Centre in Cyril Le Marquand House.  Parish Halls will also have a supply of the public information booklets written on GST.

Malcolm Campbell commented: ā€œGST is a major new initiative; accordingly we are trying to give all businesses as much information as possible.  It is key that we help businesses understand and cope with this new tax. We are here to help and encourage anyone with any concerns to email their questions to or call our Help Desk on 440555.ā€

The GST team, led by Director Steve Lowthorpe have been holding presentations and onsite meetings with businesses since January 2007 and currently see in excess of 60 businesses a month on a one-to-one basis.  He added: ā€œFrom Tuesday 26 February we will be holding educational evenings for those companies that have already registered for GST.  These will be smaller meetings (no more than 40 people) to discuss the preparedness of businesses for GST and their specific questions or issues.  We will be holding them three times a week whilst there is a demand.ā€

Businesses have been invited to register in phases, according to their 12-month taxable turnover for GST; from the 14 January businesses with a turnover in excess of Ā£10 million were invited, from 18 February those with a turnover between Ā£1 million and Ā£10 million and from 18 March we will be inviting all businesses over the Ā£300,000 threshold and those requesting voluntary registration to apply. To-date over 300 businesses have been registered.

- ends -

Notes to editors:

1.      For further information please contact Steve Lowthorpe on 440393

2.      Senator Terry Le Sueur will be attending the educational evenings on Tuesday 26 and Wednesday 27 February.  The media are invited to attend on Tuesday 26 at the St Paulā€™s centre at 6pm for a photo opportunity.

3.      A copy of the text of the letter is below:

Dear Sir/Madam, 

Only nine weeks to go ā€“ are you ready for GST?

On Thursday 1 May 2008 a 3% Goods and Services Tax (GST) comes into force in Jersey.  All businesses with a 12-month taxable turnover in excess of Ā£300,000 must register with the Income Tax Department. 

We are registering businesses in phases, according to the 12-month taxable turnover. If, however, businesses have special reasons for doing so they may register early.

1              Phase One started on Monday 14 January, for businesses with a taxable turnover of over Ā£10million

2              Phase Two started on Monday 18 February, for businesses with a taxable turnover between Ā£1 million and Ā£10 million and

3              Phase Three starts on Tuesday 18 March for businesses with a taxable turnover of over Ā£300,000 and those that want to register voluntarily

You can register online via the front page links on either or     Alternatively, printed forms are available from, and should be submitted to, the Income Tax Department, or the Customer Services Centre, in Cyril Le Marquand House

Once you have registered your business you will be invited to an educational evening with our GST team.  This will be your opportunity to ensure that your business is ready for GST.  We will discuss whether you have the right accounting procedures in place, if your tills are ready and what information you need to give your staff.

If you are in any doubt about whether you should register your business please see the business section on our website or contact our GST Help Desk on 440555 or by email

If your businessā€™ taxable turnover is less than Ā£300,000, then you do not have to register for GST, but may do so if you wish.  If your business has ceased to operate please let us know so that we can update our records.

Should you have any queries or concerns, please do contact us.  We are here to help you.

Yours faithfully

Malcolm Campbell
Comptroller of Income Tax

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