14 November 2008
The Minister for Transport and Technical Services, Deputy Guy de Faye, today signed the contracts with CSBC (Jersey) Limited and the Jersey Electricity Company that will commence construction of the new La Collette Energy from Waste facility, which will provide a reliable means of waste disposal for the Island over the next 25 years and provide up to 7% of the Island’s electricity needs.
The Energy from Waste facility contract is for a new, modern plant that will meet the highest air quality standards in Europe and replace the ageing Bellozanne incinerator which is now well past its useful operational life. The new facility will more than double the renewable power generated from waste on Island.
The contract, valued at approximately ÂŁ98.66 million, will be the largest single capital project ever commissioned by the States of Jersey. The contract has been awarded to a consortium led by the European market leader in Energy from Waste technology - Constructions Industrielles de la Mediterranee SA (CNIM) - working in close partnership with Spie Batignolles Camerons Limited (a Jersey registered company whose equal Shareholders are Spie Batignolles TPCI - a top French civil engineering contractor and Camerons Limited a well-respected local civil and building construction company). The CNIM Consortium was appointed Preferred Bidder on 19 May 2008 and will operate on Jersey under the company CSBC Jersey Limited to deliver the contract.
The Minister for Transport and Technical Services and Minister for Treasury and Resources, Senator Terry le Sueur, also signed an agreement with the Jersey Electricity Company at the same ceremony which will enable the new Energy from Waste facility to share the chimney, cooling water and other auxiliary services with the JEC Power Station.
Following the contract signing, Deputy Guy de Faye stated, “I am delighted to be the Minister who finally gets to see the vision within the Solid Waste Strategy realised and the delivery of this vital strategic facility for the Island underway. In saying that, I want to pay tribute to the efforts of the former President of the Environment, Planning and Public Services Committee, Senator Philip Ozouf, in formulating and guiding that strategy and achieving States approval as well as recognising the comprehensive support given by a, now retired, department officer, Mr Boyd Bennie.
The CNIM Consortium has put together an excellent and comprehensive proposal for the Island, which will offer a proven waste disposal route and significant additional renewable electricity generation - a crucial contribution to sustainable development for Jersey in the rapidly changing energy market we find ourselves in. The new facility will set new standards for air quality on the Island, will contribute significantly to our recycling ambitions and will be the mainstay of our sustainable waste management policy for years to come.
I am convinced that the CNIM process plant is the best technology available to Jersey and the company have an admirable reputation for the quality and consistency of their plants throughout Europe. Spie Batignolles and Camerons will bring proven civil engineering expertise and considerable local knowledge to the partnership, which will be vital for such a complex engineering feat.
As the new Energy from Waste plant will use the existing infrastructure within the Jersey Electricity Company Power Station, this will provide massive efficiencies for the Island and I welcome the close cooperation with the JEC that the new agreement brings.”
Chris Ambler, Chief Executive of the Jersey Electricity Company said, “We are very pleased to be able to help reduce the costs to the public by sharing our existing facilities with the Energy from Waste plant. This collaboration reflects the JEC’s commitment to enable and promote long term sustainable energy projects which help to strengthen the security and diversity of Island electricity supplies.”
The States gave the go ahead for the new facility on 9 July and final Planning Approval of reserved matters was granted on 23 October. Now the contract is signed, it is proposed to commence handover of the La Collette site from the start of 2009, with full construction starting in February 2009. A 30 month construction programme means that it is anticipated that the facility will be ready in May 2011.