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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

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National Gallery Consultation

22 February 2008

Education Sport and Culture Minister, Senator Mike Vibert is seeking views on the proposal to establish a National Gallery in Jersey following publication of a steering group report.

The report advocates creating a gallery to show the Island’s public collection of art, works borrowed from private collections, and touring exhibitions which could be brought to the Island.  A number of local collectors have already indicated that they would be prepared to loan works to be enjoyed by the public if a suitable facility is created.

However, the project would not get underway until private funding had been raised for an endowment large enough to meet the annual running costs.   The States would then be invited to consider applying some funds from the Waterfront development to add to percentage for art contributions on nearby buildings to meet the capital costs.

Senator Vibert today said that he wished to invite public comment on all aspects of the proposal including both the principle of establishing the gallery and the specific suggestion contained in the report that it might be located at the Weighbridge near to the Jersey Museum. 

The steering group report is available on the public consultations page of the website and hard copies can be obtained from the Contact Centre at Cyril Le Marquand House, Morier House and the Public Library.   In addition to the steering group report, a further study on the impact of a gallery has been undertaken by Locum Consulting; its report is also available on the website.

A spokesman for the Bailiff, Sir Philip Bailhache, who chaired the group, said today that the Bailiff felt that it was important now to receive public feedback on the proposal.

“A great deal of work has taken place to explore the contribution that a gallery might make to Island life from a number of different perspectives.  The report also looks at a number of practical aspects including how it would be run, what display space would be required, what sort of works it could display and who might be prepared to lend pictures.

 â€śNow it is most important that this work is informed by a wider public view so that that those views can be taken account of in deciding how best to proceed,” he said.

The consultation period runs until 10 April after which the steering group will be asked to take account of the opinions expressed before reverting to the ESC Minister with any specific proposals for his consideration.



Notes to Editors:

1.      For further information, please contact: David Filipponi, Chief Officer, Bailiff’s Chambers.  Tel.: 441107

2.      Senator Mike Vibert  449437 / 07797743042

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