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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Lack of Correct Driving Documentation Highlighted at St Ouen Road Check

11 March 2008

Two of the 115 vehicles that passed through this quiet road were impounded after it was discovered that their drivers did not have the correct driving documentation. A further ten drivers were issued with defect notices.

Between 2.30pm and 4.15pm on Friday 7 March 2008 officers from Driver and Vehicle Standards, (DVS), in close co-operation with the Honorary Police of St Ouen, conducted a road check on Route Des Laveurs.

A private car was impounded as the windscreen insurance disc was invalid and the driver could not provide evidence of satisfactory insurance cover.

A further ten drivers were issued with defect notices requiring them to present their vehicles at DVS with defects rectified. Defects included damaged bodywork, tyres, lighting and oil leaks.

A driver had to leave his company vehicle after it was discovered that his driving licence was invalid. A second driver has to inform his parish authority of a change in his driving licence details. These discrepancies were highlighted by the new facility of cross checking driversā€™ licence and vehicle keeper details on site which is proving to be very productive.
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