01 February 2008
The States of Jersey Statistics Unit has today (6 February) released the results of the 2007 edition of the Jersey Annual Social Survey (JASS).
JASS provides the means to collect and analyse detailed information on a wide range of social issues on an annual basis. It provides official social statistics about Jersey, allowing everyone in the Island to have a better understanding of social issues and for policy to be made from a more informed standpoint.
The 2007 survey builds on the success of the last two years' surveys and once again the survey is a result of close cross-departmental working. The Statistics Unit runs the survey, produces and publishes the results, but individual Departments have asked for topics to be covered to meet their priorities.
The survey has a set of core questions covering demographics, economic activity and household structure to ensure that change in key censuses variables can be monitored annually, along with questions on a range of different topics. The topics covered in 2007 include Family and childcare, Policing and fire safety, Leisure activities, Communications, States of Jersey Customer Service, Health, Travel and transport. The findings for each topic are reported in the individual chapters in the report.
JASS 2007 report
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