20 August 2008
www.vote.je is now live and provides all the information you need on the registration and voting process for all the forthcoming elections. The website has information on a range of topics from registering to vote to the different places you can vote. Shortly after each Nomination meeting, details of the Candidates will also be posted on the site.
Vice Chairman of the Privileges and Procedures Committee (PPC), Deputy Juliette Gallichan explained: “We are advertising through the local media and putting posters up all over the Island but, for an increasing number of Islanders, there’s no substitute for a website. People want to be able to access this information on their own terms and we hope they find
www.vote.je useful. We will be updating it on a daily basis and it will include details of the dates and venues of the hustings meetings.”
The registering and voting campaign is being run by PPC. Other initiatives to encourage Islanders to vote include a letter and registration form being sent directly to their doors and a ”Registration Road show” this year housed in an unmissable bright red tent, which will be appearing in various locations around St Helier from Tuesday 26th August to Saturday 30th August.