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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

A National Park for Jersey?

06 February 2009

The Planning and Environment Minster has tabled the concept of creating Jersey ’s first National Park in the St Ouens Bay area following very strong support expressed in the recent Island Plan green paper consultation. 

The Minister is now inviting Islanders to take part in a consultation that will shape the proposal for inclusion in the new Island Plan.

The Department has today published a discussion paper to form the basis for engagement with interested Islanders during February and March.  Key matters to resolve include:-

  • What would be the boundaries of the Park?
  • What additional protection would be applied?
  • What objectives and purposes should the park promote?
  • Environment Minister Freddie Cohen said

    “The concept of a National Park needs positive consideration. I am enthused by Islanders’ support, so far, for investigating the possibilities. I believe the creation of a National Park will help conserve the St Ouens Bay area for future generations.  There will be opportunities to contribute on-line and I urge anyone interested to get in touch with my Department”.

    He added

     â€śWe are particularly well placed to tackle this issue now as the newly appointed Assistant Director for Environmental Management and the Rural Economy; Dan Houseago previously held the role of Deputy Chairman of the Dartmoor National Park Authority.”

    Please click here to read the full discussion paper

    Notes to Editors:

    Meetings will take place in February and March on dates to be advised. The discussion paper is attached and available on the States of Jersey website.

    For further information, please contact:  

    Senator Freddie Cohen 07797 714550
    Chris Newton 01534 441610

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