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British-Irish Council Environment Group Ministerial Summit was held on 17th April

20 April 2009

Senator Freddie Cohen, Minister for Planning and the Environment, welcomed The British Irish Council Environment (BIC(E)) Ministers to Mont Orgueil Castle on Friday April 17th for the 9th meeting of the British Irish Council, Environment Sector meeting.

The main theme for this summit’s meeting was Climate Change and included a presentation by Professor John Mitchell, OBE, FRS the Director of Climate Science of the  UK Met Office’s Hadley Centre who presented the latest scientific evidence on climate change.

  The following Environment Ministers attended:

  • Lord Hunt of Kings Heath, Minister for Sustainable Development and Energy Innovation and Deputy Leader of the House of Lords, UK
  • Mr MichĂ©al Kitt TD, Minister of State, Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Ireland 
  • Stewart Stevenson MSP, Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Climate Change, Scotland
  • Jane Davidson AM, Welsh Assembly Government Minister for Environment, Sustainability and Housing, Wales 
  • Hon John Shimmin, MHK Minister for the Department of Local Government and the Environment, Isle of Man 
  • Deputy Peter Sirett, Minister, Environment Department, Guernsey 
  • Minister Sammy Wilson, MP, MLA Minister of the Environment for Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland
  • Minister Conor Murphy MP, MLA, Minister for Regional Development, Northern Ireland 
  • Senator Freddie Cohen, Minister for Planning and Environment, States of  Jersey


Supporting Documents - Please click to download the communique

Notes to Editors:

 1. For further information, please contact - Senator Freddie Cohen 07797751004

 2. The British-Irish Council (BIC) was established under the Good Friday Agreement as a forum for its members to work together on matters of mutual interest within their respective competencies. The Environment Sectoral Group consider and report back to the Council on matters concerning the environment as it affects the administrations.

3. On Wednesday the 15th April Senator Cohen launched ’Turning Point - The ECO-ACTIVE guide to the Science and Impacts of Climate Change in Jersey


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