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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Fiscal Policy Panel invites submissions

18 February 2009

The Fiscal Policy Panel (FPP) will be visiting Jersey in early March and the Panel is inviting members of the public to make written submissions on the important economic issues that are facing the Island.

The visit is intended to help the Panel gain a full understanding of the latest conditions facing the Jersey economy and during their fact-finding visit they will also be meeting local interest groups, including representatives from business and the trade unions.

The role of the FPP is to publish an annual report for the Treasury and Resources Minister that:
  • examines the strength of the Jersey economy and the position in the economic cycle;
  • comments on the appropriateness of the States financial position/forecasts given the above;
  • recommends policy regarding the Stabilisation Fund.

Chairman of the Panel Joly Dixon said: β€œTo help inform our work, it is important that we gain a full understanding of how the Jersey economy is performing. We would be delighted to receive the views of Islanders on the important economic and fiscal issues facing Jersey.”

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