09 July 2009
The Health and Social Services Department is reinforcing its message about practising good hygiene to slow the spread of swine flu with a high-profile public health campaign.
The campaign is based on the national ‘Catch it. Bin it. Kill it.’ publicity. Two different designs have been produced in Jersey. The adult version stresses the importance of using tissues, hand washing and cleaning hard surfaces to prevent infection. The children’s version focuses more specifically on using tissues and then washing hands.
Posters, leaflets and fact sheets have already been produced and distributed to schools and work places around the Island. Posters have also been translated into Polish and Portuguese. Information leaflets will also be available at all Co-op stores in the next week. A major advertising campaign is planned for when schools go back in early September.
Head of Health Improvement, Andrew Heaven, said: “Despite the changing circumstances in the UK, our key objective in Jersey is still to limit the spread of this new virus until we have a vaccine.
“As children tend to be more infectious than adults we have tried to get information into schools before the end of term. We plan to reinforce this with the advertising campaign when they go back after the holidays.”
All the campaign materials can be downloaded from the
States website.