09 March 2009
Transport and Technical Services (TTS) will be undertaking essential road maintenance starting on Monday 16 March around the junction of La Route de Ste Marie, Les Chennolles and La Route du Carrefour a Cendre, on the boundary of St Mary, St Peter and St Ouen, colloquially known as “The Windmill Junction”. The work will take a total of four weeks and be divided into two phases of equal duration.
The first phase will be along La Route de Ste Marie from the east of the junction to the area where resurfacing was carried out seven years ago. The second phase will be along Les Chenolles from the west of the junction to the west of the Windmill.
The section of road in this location was last resurfaced 17 years ago and is in poor condition. Strengthening works will also be undertaken and the project cost is just over £100,000.
The road will be closed to all through traffic between 9am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday while the work takes place. Specific diversions for each phase will be signposted and advertised in the Jersey Evening Post before commencement of the works. Access to premises can be arranged through the site supervisor. Disruption will be kept to a minimum and TTS regrets any inconvenience that these essential maintenance works may cause.