29 July 2009
The Tax Information Exchange Agreement (TIEA) between Jersey and New Zealand has now been signed but it will not come into force until the domestic procedures for each party have been completed which, in the case of Jersey, will include the ratification of the Agreement by the States Assembly and the adoption by the latter of the required amendment to the relevant regulations.
Agreement details:
Jersey/New Zealand TIEA -
Press Release (this will open in a new window)
Document Type: Adobe PDF

Size: 40Kb
Jersey/New Zealand -
Tax Information Exchange Agreement (This will open in a new window)
Document Type: Adobe PDF

Size: 91Kb
Jersey/New Zealand -
Understanding (This will open in a new window)
Document Type: Adobe PDF

Size: 29Kb
Jersey/New Zealand -
Mutual Agreement Procedure (This will open in a new window)
Document Type: Adobe PDF

Size: 36Kb
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