24 February 2009
On Tuesday 16th February 2009 an order made by the Minister for Planning and Environment came into force. The order lists sixty-six wild plants which are now protected under the Conservation of Wildlife (Jersey) Law 2000.
It is now against the Law to knowingly pick, uproot, destroy or collect seed of any protected plant . It is also illegal to sell protected plants. If the destruction, uprooting or picking is done as part of an otherwise lawful operation (like branchage) and could not reasonable have been avoided the person will not be guilty of an offence.
A booklet with pictures of all protected plants and brief notes on where they are known to grow in Jersey has been prepared and is available online at the department’s website for download or print. A limited number of copies for reference will be circulated to schools, libraries and Parish Halls .
Deputy Anne Pryke, in her forward to the booklet says:
“This booklet is not intended as a concise identification guide but rather a starting point for those interested in the native plants of our Island. It has been made possible through the considerable efforts over many years of Jersey’s dedicated botanists whose ongoing work is greatly appreciated.”
For further information, please contact M.Freeman 441628
View: Protected Plants in Jersey booklet (Size: 1359Kb)
Printable version: Protected Plants in Jersey A4 Landscape (Size:1396Kb)- open link, set printer to landscape and print double sided.
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