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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Careers Jersey offers advice after A-level results

13 August 2010

This yearā€™s A-level results will be released on Thursday 19 August. These results will determine university places for most Jersey sixth formers. 

Although the number of Jersey students applying to go to university is similar to that in 2009, applications from UK students have increased by more than 16% this year.

With the government reducing its funding to universities, gaining a place has become even more competitive and it will be more important than ever for local students to act promptly when they get their results.

Schools, Highlands College and Careers Jersey will be available on the day to help students.

Student grants

Once students have a definite offer of a place at university, if they have applied for a student grant they should complete and return the FE7 notification form to the Student Finance Office along with:

  • copies of their A-level or BTEC results
  • a copy of the unconditional offer letter from the institute

Help from Careers Jersey

Careers Jersey is open from Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm, throughout the holiday period to help students who are:

  • looking for alternative courses and universities
  • taking an unexpected gap year
  • considering employment instead of further education

Careers Jersey is at Philip Le Feuvre House, La Motte Street (enter via Social Security) and can also help students after GCSE results are released on Tuesday 24 August.

To book an appointment with Careers Jersey, you can call +44 (0) 1534 449440 or send them an email.

Email Careers Jersey

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