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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

St Clement officially agrees to twin with Cancale

09 September 2010

The parish of St Clement has now officially agreed to twin with Cancale, following the signing yesterday (8 September 2010) of a protocol by Constable Len Norman and the Mayor of Cancale, Pierre Yves Mahieu.

There was unanimous approval for the twinning when it was proposed at meetings held last year in St Clement and Cancale. The official signing was held at St Clementā€™s Parish Hall after the annual meeting between Jersey and the department of Ille et Vilaine.

Constable Norman said "I am delighted that we have formalised the decision made by our assemblies last year. This is the first time a Jersey parish has twinned with a town in Brittany and I hope it will not be the last.

"We have now signed a protocol which sets out our intention to explore areas of common interest. We want to enhance the mutual understanding between the 2 communities; set up links between our sports associations and schools; and help professionals develop economic and tourism initiatives."

A co-ordinating committee will now be set up to research how this can be achieved and to submit firm proposals to the 2 assemblies.

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