30 September 2010

The States Assembly have approved the regulations for the 2011 census. This means that the next Jersey Census will take place on 27 March 2011. The regulations also cover:
- who will be included in the census
- the obligations on census officers and on people included in the census
- the contents of the census form
- how the census will be conducted
The census will create up to 200 temporary jobs, the majority of which are census enumerators who will be required to verify addresses and deliver census forms to households on a part-time basis over a 3 week period before census day.
A recruitment campaign will take place later in the year, but if you wish to register your interest in advance you can find information on how to do so on the census section of this website.
Further information about the census and census jobs will be posted on the census website over the coming months.
About the 2011 census