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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Cheapside gets fiscal stimulus funding

17 May 2010

Cheapside in St Helier will get a makeover by the end of the year thanks to fiscal stimulus funding.

Transport and Technical Services (TTS) has been granted ÂŁ400,000 to carry out various improvements in and around Cheapside. Residents and businesses in the area will be asked for their views before plans are finalised and work starts.

Proposed changes to the area include better crossings and pavements for pedestrians, improved parking and unloading facilities, new street furniture and adding some trees.

It is hoped the project will start in the autumn and be completed by early December. TTS has worked very closely with the Parish of St Helier in developing the initial proposals and both Connétables Simon Crowcroft and Michael Jackson are pleased to see funding granted for this scheme.

“We have identified the need for improvements in this area for some time” said Connétable Mike Jackson, Minister for TTS. “I am delighted that we now have the funding to make this project happen.”

Treasury Minister, Senator Philip Ozouf, said “I am very pleased that this project is to go ahead as I know that it will greatly improve the area and provide very valuable work for our construction industry."

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