09 February 2010
​​People in Jersey are being asked for their views on whether the Companies Law should be amended to allow for the merger of Jersey companies with foreign entities.
At present, it is only possible to merge a Jersey company with another Jersey company. However, in an increasingly globalized world, more and more business is conducted across national borders and there is a growing demand for Jersey companies to be able to merge with foreign companies.
A consultation paper has been prepared to give all interested parties an opportunity to contribute their views on the proposed changes. Issues include which foreign entities should be allowed to merge with Jersey companies, the requirements for consent from the Jersey Financial Services Commission and measures for the protection of company shareholders and creditors.
Welcoming the consultation, Minister for Economic Development, Senator Alan Maclean, said: “I’m pleased that we’re working on this excellent initiative which will ensure that Jersey’s company law remains competitive. Some other jurisdictions have already successfully introduced this added flexibility into their company law and I’m confident that Jersey will benefit from taking a similar approach.”
The deadline for responses is Friday 2 April 2010. ​
​Companies me​rgers​​