13 July 2010
​Members of the public have less than a week left to comment on Planning and Environment Minister Senator Freddie Cohen’s intentions to amend the draft Island Plan as the deadline of 19 July approaches.
Following the initial response to consultation on the draft plan, Senator Cohen has re-considered a number of key policy areas. He is recommending a number of amendments to the plan that will be considered by the inspectors in the public examination process alongside the original document.
His response to consultation and his intended changes were published on 27 May 2010, giving members of the public a further opportunity to comment on the changes that he intends to make.
The Minister’s response to the public comments on the draft plan are available online. Hard copies are also available for viewing at the Planning Offices, South Hill and the States Bookshop, Morier House, St Helier.
Examination in Public (EiP)
The Minister has also previously announced that the timetable for the EiP into the draft plan has been rescheduled, to allow people sufficient time to comment on his intended changes. The EiP will now commence on 21 September and is likely to last for just less than 3 weeks, ending on Thursday 7 October.
The format and content of the EiP, which is being conducted by independent Planning Inspectors Mr Chris Shepley CBE and Mr Alan Langton, is also taking shape and a near final list of topics and participants has been published. Members of the public may also comment on the questions to be the subject of discussion at the EiP.
Deadline for comments
The deadline for comments on the Minister’s changes and the questions to be considered at the EiP is Monday 19 July 2010.
Comments should be submitted preferably by email to the programme officer for the EiP. Alternatively, you can submit comments in writing to Mrs Helen Wilson, c/o Planning and Environment Department, South Hill, St Helier.
Email the programme officer for the EiP