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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

New appointment at Planning and Environment

21 June 2010

Willie Peggie has been appointed as Director of Environment at the Planning and Environment Department. Within this role he will also act as the Deputy Chief Officer for the Department.

Mr Peggie was the existing Assistant Director for Environmental Protection for the States of Jersey, and brings a wealth of both private sector and public sector experience to the role.

Deputy Duhamel, the Assistant Minister for Environment, in offering his congratulations stated "Having worked with Willie in his previous role at the department for the last year, I know that his skill set and professionalism will be much appreciated in moving the environmental agenda forward."

The Minister for Planning and Environment, Senator Freddie Cohen said "Mr Peggieā€™s appointment heralds an exciting new era for the Environment division. He combines a detailed knowledge of environmental regulation with a very practical and balanced approach. His commitment promises to ensure protection of  our environment for future generations".

Mr Peggie will be taking up his new position on 1 July 2010.
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