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Fiscal stimulus funds to develop new homes in Le Squez

15 June 2010

More than ÂŁ8 million of fiscal stimulus funds have been allocated to the Housing Department to build 49 new rental homes at Le Squez in St Clement. 

It is the biggest project to be undertaken by the States using fiscal stimulus money and, with an addition of £1.7 million from Housing to build another 11 homes on the site, is Jersey’s largest social housing project for 6 years.

Treasury Minister Senator Philip Ozouf said “I am pleased to be able to make this latest allocation from the fiscal stimulus fund, particularly because the letting of this contract will provide confidence to the construction industry and allied trades, who are particularly vulnerable to the economic downturn.”

Homes for States tenants

36 one- and two-bedroom flats will be built as well as 3 two-bedroom and 21 three-bedroom houses. All the homes will be used as rental properties for States tenants.

The development is the third phase of a major regeneration scheme at Le Squez which started in 2005 and is expected to be completed in the next 5 years. Since 2005, 168 homes have been developed on the Le Squez and neighbouring Le Marais site, of which 81 have been sold to previous tenants under the Housing Minister’s deferred payment scheme.

Development will minimise environmental impact

The new homes are being built on the site of previous rental homes that were demolished in 2009. They are all being designed to meet code level 3 of the Code for Sustainable Homes. This seeks to ensure that homes are built to minimise their environmental impact and takes into account carbon dioxide emissions, water use, waste generated, and the materials used for building.

Le Squez master plan

The homes should be completed around September 2011 and the majority of the new tenants will be current Le Squez residents who need to move to allow the next phase of redevelopment work to begin.

Housing Minister Deputy Sean Power said “I’m delighted this project has been granted funding. It marks the beginning of a new phase in the Le Squez master plan, which focuses heavily on regeneration rather than simply rebuilding and has the long-term needs of the community at its heart.

“These changes will have a lasting impact on the residents of Le Squez and improve not only their homes but the environment in which they live. This project is being carried out in phases to ensure, that so far as is possible, we keep this community together.”

Treasury Minister Senator Philip Ozouf added ”This is a huge and exciting development which will make a real difference to the lives of people living in the area. The project will also provide work for many sectors of the Island’s construction industry over a long period of time.”

Local tenders

The project, which was procured using the States e-tendering portal, was tendered to local contractors only. A C Mauger Construction Limited has been awarded the contract and the use of local materials and labour is being maximised. It is expected that work will get underway in July 2010.  

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